Saturday 29 December 2012

One of a Kind

Here is a compilation video of Branch Warren training.Man this video is sick.But I'd highly recommend people with a weak heart to abstain from watching this video!!I am a big fan of Branch Warren.Though he has never won the Mr.Olympia title his presence alone is enough as it would electrify the stage.He has won several other titles.Rightly nick named as "the quadrasaurus" for his massive legs,he is really "one of a kind". After seeing this video how can someone not feel like hitting the gym and train insane???!!!! Everytime I listen to this song I am reminded of the great "quadrasaurus" and his hardcore workout..

Saturday 15 December 2012 INDIA...

My name is Indian,
  • I am from India.I love my country.
  • Cricket is my national game.
  • Pizza is my national food.
  • Jeans and t-shirt are my favorite dress.(I don't care how hot it is I wear only jeans)
  • Night outing and boozing are part of my culture.
  • Spitting anywhere and urinating in any place are my birth rights.
  • Don't question me if I break the glasses of buses or even burn them,coz I've been told they are public properties.I'm just exercising control over what is rightfully mine.
  • I hardly know the lyrics of the national anthem,but if you are gonna ask me about cine songs I'll give you the lyrics of any of them, any day,any time.
  • Mosquitoes are my pets.
  • I think politics is reserved for selfish and ineffective people.So that's not my cup of tea.But if you want me to comment,I will oblige very willingly.
  • The US is my second home,And it's my duty to get a job and a green card there
  • I care so much for the welfare of  animals,stray dogs for instance I don't kill them or adopt them.I'd rather leave them on the streets and let them maul kids and passerby's.I don't bother even if people die because of these stray dogs.
  • I don't pay my taxes.But I curse the government for not providing proper roads,facilities,etc
  • I've read discriminating people on basis of their castes is a sin.But I can't stop myself from discriminating.
  • Complaining,forgetting,being biased are some traits that are in my genes.
  • If i am into politics then my definition of democracy would be "fall the people,buy the people,off the people.."
  • I get money from representatives of political parties and I swear to them that I'll only vote to them.And come what may, I keep up my word
  • I believe cinema heroes can actually fight a 100 men at a time and dodge a bullet in real life and I seriously believe they are gods or blessed by gods.
  • In order to recruit say a CEO for a company having 500 employees,I ask for experience,educational qualification.But to contest for the chief minister of a state or the prime minister of the nation I never think of any such requirements...
  • I belong to an age where reel heroes get paid more than real heroes.I mean to say the soldiers who safeguard,fight and die for this great nation......
We Indians live in India.And therefore what we are is what the nation is...So,THIS IS INDIAAAAAAAAAAA.....

Friday 16 November 2012

Ugh...!! Love story??

Boy meets girl,girl meets boy..both talk,exchange numbers,then talk in morning,talk through afternoon, meet in evening..Then talk all night long and the next day boy/girl proposes, the other party accepts.Both are madly in "love". It goes on for sometime then they are confronted by a villain boy fights the villain and then both boy and girl are re-united!    ~ The End ~ That's the blue print of any love story.I am talking about the stories written for movies only.

             Writing a love story is a task that doesn't need any help of your brain.To be even more precise the more stupid it is,the higher the possibilities of its popularity among people,take for instance the most dumbest "love story" ever written in the history of mankind "The Twilight".Love stories always have a lot of appeal among the audiences especially girls.!No further elaborations required I guess.So, since it's reach is obvious and encouraging more people stoop to writing love stories.Tamil movie makers are no exception.Is it that they have no other goods to deliver or are they not willing to try new things?I mean it's the same thing again and again and again.And its very boring.I can list at least 10 movies which have the same story line as that of "Romeo and Juliet" .If you are gonna ask these story writers about plagiarism they'll unanimously say they haven't even heard about "Romeo and Juliet".And their stories were their own creations!

As far as Tamil cinema is concerned,it's an unwritten rule that a new-comer(a guy) must opt for love stories.Once,after he is popular among people once his bloody face gets familiar with the spectators he can choose action roles,fight with out numbered enemies with both his hands tied!He can advice people on how to live a noble life, throughout the movie and thereby play a major role in the reformation of the society.But all that's next set of steps.But the first step is act only in love stories.

 Now its time to quote some famous stunts which the heroes in these love stories do to make their love interests fall at their feet..

1.Save a puppy by risking his life,from a lorry which is about to run over the poor thing

2.Save the heroine from a bunch of rogues who are about to hurt her

3.Pretend to forget that it's the heroine's birthday but he surprises her by giving a surprise party and taking her to exotic places

4.Throw away a cigarette,when the girl passes know as a symbol of respect!!

5.The heroine would have wanted to buy some clothes or footwear but someone might have bought it.The hero gets it from the other person,to show how much he loves the girl!!Even if it takes standing toe to toe - "Action love story"

6.Advice the heroine about her dressing.Educating her about the culture and tradition of India.And overnight the girl falls in love!!!!!!!!

There are innumerable stunts and scenes...but I think this is sufficient for my post.That's all folks

Thursday 25 October 2012

25th of October & 5th of July

Today is the 25th of October.It's just another day.As far as I can remember it's not the birthday of any great leaders or it's not the day of any significant historical event.But there is something strange about this date!There is some sorta connection between 25th of October and July 5th!Both of the dates falls on the same day of any year.Let's take for example 2012,both the dates falls on Thursday!Okay,in 2011, they come on Tuesday!In the year 2010,Monday.!okay finally let me take the year 2007,it's Thursday!There is no disparity,not even for one year are these two dates falling on different days.Now,that's interesting ain't it?Well,my opinion is that it is interesting.

           I've always wondered is that a strange coincidence or something involving mathematics?!Either way it's still something interesting and strange.So I thought I'll make a note of it in my blog and I'm done..

Monday 22 October 2012

Pain of guilt

                     I was sitting on my bed surrounded by fire on all sides of me.It crept onto every little thing in my house and it was burning my beloved possessions.Sitting there helpless,I watched the beauty of the fire,its splendidness,how it glowed so radiantly and so majestically! The fangs of wrath devouring on objects greedily and the more it got,it grew even more hungry and the more it wanted..I was sure,that the fire was going to burn every little thing in the room except for me.So I stood there like a child gazing at the passing clouds.The heat was making me sweat.The sound of the burning pages of the books got louder,while I stood there watching all this..

                                       I had everything in my house.Everything a man could want for.I had everything in my house even in spite of thieves stealing a lot of my belongings.My house was 65 years old.It was built by my great grandfathers.It was a symbol of their blood and sweat.I knew all about it but I was too busy with things that I forgot to maintain my house,the thoughts kept elongating while the fire was getting denser.I knew for sure I was the reason for the whole thing to fall apart.I never was satisfied with my house,I never really cared for my house.The servants in whose hands I left the responsibility of taking care of my house were corrupt and inefficient.They made me believe that they took good care of my forefathers' legacy.But deep down I knew they were lying and something kept telling me that things were getting worse with passage of time.Behind my back they were stealing my possessions though I knew about it, I didn't react because I never really cared.As days went by those faithless monkeys were stealing my things so outrageously,even before my eyes,but still I never cared.

                                       By now the fire was  all over my rooftops.I knew that this fire was because of them,this destruction was because of those people who I trusted.They started this fire of destruction by their careless acts may be they had forgot to put off equipments,may be there was a short circuit,may be the lighted candles slipped and fell on the curtains..whatever it was only they knew about it and I was paying the price for the carelessness of both them and mine.The feel of guilt run threw my body when I realized what I have done to my sweet home.Tears rolled down my I watched the fire burn the portrait of my grandfather...

There I was sitting in my house all alone,Watching it all burn down to ashes...

Saturday 20 October 2012

The Joker

This is one of my favorite scenes from the movie "The Dark Knight"....Joker is finally arrested and the police try to interrogate with him about the missing "DA" Harvey Dent .But he doesn't co-operate with them.So finally he's left to Batman...The following is the ensuing conversation between the two,the Joker gives an interesting explanation to his psychotic acts....


Batman: Then why do you want to kill me?
The Joker: [giggling] I don't, I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me.
Batman: You're garbage who kills for money.
The Joker: Don't talk like one of them. You're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
 Batman: [grabs Joker] Where's Dent?
The Joker: You have all these rules and you think they'll save you!
Batman: I have one rule.
The Joker: Oh, then that's the rule you'll have to break to know the truth.
Batman: [getting impatient] Which is?
The Joker: The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.

Batman: [slams Joker into mirror] Where are they?
The Joker: Killing is making a choice.
Batman: [punches Joker] Where are they?
The Joker: Choose between one life or the other. Your friend, the district attorney, or his blushing bride-to-be...
[punches Joker]
The Joker: [laughs] You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with! Nothing to do with all your strength!

Thursday 4 October 2012


I found my lost interest for rock music.Lately been listening to a lot of rock songs.The reason for which,I really don't know..! So,I came across this song named "Love Hurts" by the band Incubus.It's a slow rock song.About the darker side of love.But still there is a ray of hope and it endorses the fact that everything happens for a reason and still this guy is hopeful about Love...apart from the lyrics the music was real good and the singer's voice is very soulful and I liked the song...

"Love Hurts"

Tonight we drink to youth
And holding fast to truth
(I don't want to lose what I had as a boy.)
My heart still has a beat
But love is now a feat.
(As common as a cold day in LA.)
Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?

Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.

I'm fettered and abused,
I stand naked and accused
(Should I surface this one man submarine?)
I only want the truth
So tonight we drink to youth!
(I'll never lose what I had as a boy.)
Sometimes when I'm alone I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?

Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Slaves' despise..

I see them walking down the streets,
they throw a glance at me as they pass by.
I hear them behind me in a queue ,
their voices always distract and words falsify!
They are like shadows that follow me on a sunny day,
Though I try to ignore and walk away,
Those ideas  which they've shared keep haunting me.
All they wanted was to be a slave,
But they think they can show me the way.
Like Leeches they suck the life out of me,
they make me lose my my focus,
and test my sanity.
They keep singing songs of sorrow,
and they are sure of things that'll happen tomorrow.
I walk amongst doubts and fears,
Not afraid to stand my ground.
To have the gift of vision amongst blind men,
Is one curse for the seeing eyes.
To be frowned upon,
to be despised is nothing new when you stand out..

Thursday 2 August 2012


I happened to see the music video of this song called "butterfly" by the band "Crazy town" on Youtube.I liked the video in no time.It was different for a rap rock song,with special effects and the band was shown to be performing amidst a green lush garden ,which has colorful flowers,with butterflies flying everywhere.Not to forget the hot chicks with piercings and vicious looks!!On the whole it was pleasing to the eye, About the song....well,as it was different,my ears were kinda uncomfortable listening to it for the first couple of times but then I started to like the song!!The song's about a freak's, freaky love for a freaky girl !! I happened to listen to another track "black cloud" from the same band.Which was also good.And I liked it too.So I thought of posting the songs in my blog...

Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby
Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby
Such a sexy,sexy pretty little thing
Fierce nipple pierce you got me sprung with your tongue ring
And I ain't gonna lie cause your loving gets me high
So to keep you by my side there's nothing that I won't try
Butterflies in her eyes and looks to kill
Time is passing I'm asking could this be real
'Cause I can't sleep I can't hold still
The only thing I really know is she got sex appeal
I can feel too much is never enough
You're always there to lift me up
When these times get rough I was lost Now I'm found
Ever since you've been around
You're the women that I want
So yo, I'm putting it down.
Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby
Come my lady you're my
Pretty baby ill make your legs shake
You make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby
Come my lady you're my
Pretty baby ill make your legs shake
You make me go crazy
I don't deserve you unless it's some kind of hidden message
To show me life is precious
Then I guess it's true
To tell truth, I really never knew
I'll I met you I was lost and confused
Twisted and used up
Knew a better life existed but thought that I missed it
My lifestyle's wild I was living like a wild child
Trapped on a short leash paroled the police files
And yo, what' s happening now?
I see the sun breaking shining through dark clouds
And a vision of you standing out in a crowd.
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby
Come my lady you're my
Pretty baby ill make your legs shake
You make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby
Come my lady you're my
Pretty baby ill make your legs shake
You make me go crazy
Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby
Come my lady you're my
Pretty baby ill make your legs shake
You make me go crazy
Hey sugar momma, come and dance with me
The smartest thing you ever did was take a chance with me
So, what ever tickles your fancy
Girl it's you like Sid and Nancy
So sexy, almost evil
Talkin' about butterflies in my head
I used to think happy endings were only in the books I read but
You made me feel alive when I was almost dead
You filled that empty space with the love I used to chase
And as far as I can see it don't get better than this
So butterfly, here is a song and it's sealed with a kiss
And a thank you miss.
Come and dance with me
Come and dance with me
Come and dance with me
So come and dance with me
Uhhhhh ha uhhh ha
Come my lady
Come come my lady
You're my butterfly
Sugar baby

Raging Bull..

Yesterday I read about an incident that happened in Bhopal which shocked me!! It also left me wondering if animals were capable of avenging those people who hurt them???I thought they were insensitive.But after reading about the incident I am trying to reconsider my opinion!! I am reminded of the popular Vadivelu comedy,where he is been targeted by all the animals in his village which he had previously hurt!! Ok,before I proceed any further let me narrate what I read...

          Bup Naarayanan Prajapathy 65 years old, from Theori, Saagar district in Madhya Pradesh is the victim.He is said to have hit a bull,which was roaming nearby his house.The bull in retaliation hurt him severely and he had been hospitalized.It took him one whole month to recover!After getting back home he must have been searching the bull to seek vengeance for its ruthless actions.Last week he had found the bull lying and resting before his house.He poured hot water on the bull  in revenge.Next day morning,when he was standing out of his hut, the bull had tried to strike him.The poor guy being terribly scared ran inside his hut.But the mad bull had chased him inside his house and butted him severely with its horns,dragged him outside his hut and had hurt him ferociously.But it was too late when his neighbors finally managed to drive the bull away as it had hurt him with all of its fury and strength.They took him to the hospital,but it was no use,the doctors said he had died on the way itself.The most shocking part of the incident was this,The bull had followed him all the way to the hospital!! and it followed him and stayed in the graveyard until his corpse was buried!!!The people who witnessed this incident were really shocked.Well they must be!!Now, I am trying to contemplate,how enraged must the "culprit" bull  have been to have followed him all the way to the graveyard!!I wonder why these people didn't kill the bull.It is going to be a serious threat for the other people in that area.I've only seen in the movies,about animals avenging people who hurt them.But this incident was one rare phenomena!!!! :(

          Now,after reading about this incident I was a little bit worried because I have teased and hurt almost all the dogs(stray dogs and pet dogs!) in my area.I think it's high time I start being cautious...!! :( :p

Monday 23 July 2012

Too much thinking...

For the past two days I've been thinking of brushing my teeth before going to bed.But somehow I didn't do it.And I tend to postpone it for the next day.But today out of self-induced compulsion I did it!! :P .But that made me think a lot!!It first seemed like a "trivial" thing but on a little closer perusal it wasn't so.Brushing before going to bed was a habit.And I've never done that before in my life !!!(well how many people brush before going to bed??! when it's boring and annoying for some to brush even in morning!!) and that was the reason why I was postponing!!(Eureka!!)

 I searched Google on habits and Wikipedia describes habit as,
  • "routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously.Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks..." 
And it also further elaborated on habits and I thought the following two points were relevant for my analysis,
  • "Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form because the behavioral patterns we repeat are imprinted in our neural pathways." 
  •  "Habit formation is modelled as an increase in automaticity with number of repetitions up to an asymptote."
 So that sums it up.The reason why people do or don't do things is because of their habits.And these habits can be made by repeating a task for a finite number of times,attaching them to goals and constant monitoring.The same applies to breaking habits, except for the fact that it needs comparatively more of will-power!!(now i am not talking about addictions or OCD). So going to gym,reading books,brushing before going to bed,going to bed at proper time and many more good habits can be cultivated by doing them repetitively whether one likes it or not and constant monitoring of the tasks.And bad habits like nail-biting,eavesdropping,too much "facebooking,etc :p can be undone by applying the same afore-mentioned procedures.Nothing is Impossible though those things may apparently look impossible...

Sunday 22 July 2012

Copy cats beware of the Bloodhound !!!

Today I happen to watch the much hyped about movie Billa - 2 and I am outta words!!(never has my mind had such a lull when it came to profanity!!I mean I am sick and tired of this whole concept of plagiarism :/ ) My personal opinion is the director and the script writer have really struggled hard in the making of the movie,real hard.They have busted their guts off to mix a list of various movies and video games like the 70's block buster movie "Scarface" starring Al Pacino for the plot,the special visual effects of the crime thriller movie "Sin City" for the song "unakkulle mirugam" which depicts the raise of the protagonist to power, a couple of video games like GTA, Hitman for the ruthless killings,bomb-blastings.. all those put together is Billa-2 !!

            This movie is a prequel to the movie Billa(which itself was a remake of another movie which happened to be a remake of another movie!!phew).This movie shows how the refugee David turns into the notorious gangster David Billa.Now taking a prequel to me is like tightrope walking.And Ajith falls on his face.The reason is simple in the former movie he appeared slim and young.But in this movie which is the prequel, shouldn't he be looking  younger or at least same as  the former movie???But He looks older and "fatter".He talks very sharp dialogues throughout the movie like,
 "enna yaarum purinjukala",
"aasai illa annachi,pasi!"..!
But what was his ambition or desire?? to walk throughout the movie wearing blazers and coolers or to bombard trains,kill people?? or was it to steal the sexy girl friend of his boss?? earn money? or become the most feared gangster in history??There is no clear narration about what his desire really is.Other than that there is no clarity in plot.The villain...!!I feel terribly sorry for this guy more than the heroine or anyone else in the movie.He looks dangerous,handsome,very fit and seems to be a trained person in martial arts.I've seen him in the Hindi John Abraham starrer "Force".He seems to be a guy who has some potential but if the director's gonna use him to his fullest then Billa would probably not be alive by the end of the movie.So as like any other movie he's killed by the hero who seems to be no match for his strength.The relationship between the heroine and hero is not clearly established!!I think the director must have got really pissed off with her poor acting skills so in the movie she's finally killed.(what a relief!!)But what surprised me was that there was no dream song or duet or kuthu song!!poor girl!! I liked the songs.There are no love songs(again a relief!!) only item numbers with girls dancing  in pubs and brothels and a montage song showing the raise of Billa.Comon,It's a "gangster movie" what else to expect!!The music director makes a cameo appearance in the end(??)which was a really dumb move.

Having said all this and that of the movie,I'd say I still like the movie or should I say I forced myself to like the movie.Because the sources from which the director stole..ooops..!!got "inspired" were all my favorites and I am a fan of action movies.This movie fits in perfectly in that genre.But on the whole the movie is a half hearted,incomplete effort.And fails to fulfill the expectations.

I am only reminded of the movie "Scarface"when i think about "Billa - 2" so I am uploading only the trailer of the former.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Voices in my head...

My hands shiver as I stagger on these empty streets,
Like a phantom I take a prowl,because he said to me,
"I am the one," he said to me and I am the King and this is meant to be.
The dogs howl from a distance,on the night lit by the full moon's light.
the clouds move in despair like a mother searching her lost son.
wind blows its coldest of air which carries  the odor of blood.
I still hear him telling me that I am the one.
The monsters in my head cry their misery.
A cold shiver runs through my body,electrocuting my nerves 
like a zombie I've lived,I think it's time to shed.
I hear footsteps approaching,
that killed the silence of the night,
and echoed in the poisoned air!
I turn around to look, they had surrounded me,
Those are the troubled souls wandering on this earth,
They bow before me like a slave to me.
I hear him shouting I am the one.
I laugh like a mad man,
looking at the hurt and ugly,
They say I am the one.
The monsters inside me lick their lips
seeing their new found prey.
I take out my sword and show it to them,
Commotion bursts,fear flows out through their dry eyes.
Then she came before me,
and bowed to me and stood there,
I looked deep in her eyes,
She had the most beautiful eyes,
I've ever seen....
she was ready for it,
like a pupil who understood her teacher,
she bowed down before me,
And I swung my sword...
they bowed before me,
never did they dare to look me in the eye,
they bowed and prayed to the New God they've made....
Now i knew ,I was the One...
He  was saying nothing now,
but I heard his loud cackle ...

Sunday 1 July 2012

Right to Reason

                                As a kid I was told that someone up above was watching me every day and every night.And after my death I'll meet him and based on my good deeds(punniyam) and sins(paavam).He will decide whether I was a good person or bad and based on that I'll be sent to either,

1.Heaven,where I'll live(??)(after death I was supposed to live!!) with God or
2.Hell,where I'll be tortured for an eternity!!
I used to think can he always be watching me??wherever I go,will he follow me??what did this person look like??will he follow even if I hid under my bed??will he be able to see me if I sit in a room in night,without lights??Well,how else was a child supposed to react?!I imagined a lot on how this entity would appear, but to the contrary of my imaginations the photos and statues looked similar to human!They were all rich,wearing kilos of gold and diamond ornaments and they all had families.(I wonder what happened to their descendants..)And each god was in charge of a particular power!!(like we have super specialization in doctors)For example "Lord Bramma" was in charge of creation,"Lord Vishnu" was in charge of protecting and "Lord Siva" was in charge of destruction."Goddess Saraswati" was in charge of knowledge."Goddess Lakshmi" was in charge of wealth.(Division of labor has been in practice even then!!).I used to think so I was supposed to pray to these gods based on their specializations??!

What is "God"?
The oxford dictionary defines god as a "superhuman being worshipped as possessing power over nature,human fortunes,etc;creator and ruler of universe"

Okay so,God created the Universe.He controls nature,etc.Lets keep that aside for a moment.I come from Madurai.In my place every summer we have "chithirai thiruvizha".The idol of Kalazhagar is carried and brought to every nook and corner of Madurai.Let me narrate the events that took place this year the day the idol was brought into Madurai.
1.There was total power shutdown all day and all night
2. It started raining and the streets were muddy and puddled.
3.There was heavy traffic jam throughout Madurai(obviously!)
4.People had a hard time paying a visit to their "GOD" 

Let me quote the definition one more time,"superhuman being worshipped as possessing power over nature, human fortunes,etc;creator and ruler of universe"(!!!)

The population of human beings in the world is said to be 7 billion as of 2011.And the number of religions in practice today are 1.Hinduism 2.Christianity 3.Islam 4.Buddhism 5.Sikhism 6.Jainism 7.Gnosticism 8.Zoroastrianism..........With each religion having it's own "GOD"!!It's own practices,believes about earth life and death.If there are so many religions then did GOD create man?? or MAN CREATED "GOD"??

By now it would have become clear that I AM AN ATHEIST.Being an atheist doesn't mean I'm a non-believer!I do believe..!!I believe in science,I believe in the power of thoughts,I believe there is NO GOD,I believe we exist as a group affecting and influencing each other directly or indirectly by our actions and reactions...So coming back,I believe god didn't create us ( HOMO SAPIENS= Human Beings).So where did we come from??

Chimp :I shouldn't have evolved
 According to Wikipedia,Humans are originated from Africa 2,00,000 years.The human beings diverged from its last ancestors Chimpanzee approximately 5 million years ago in Africa  evolving into the "Australopithecines" and eventually the genus Homo.Homo Erectus and Homo heidelbergensis  is considered to be the immediate ancestor of modern humans.Studies Have shown that Humans and Chimpanzees are 96% same.I don't deny that they are not a 100% match,and the 4% may contribute for a million differences but still aren't these facts totally contrary to the popular believes among theists,That god created human beings??This might even sound funny or offending to some people.But at least there is a proof for my argument..Are there any proofs for the  arguments that god created the universe and human beings?????

                    A popular legend among Christians is God created Adam and Eve and there was no night(if there was no night,then does that mean that the earth didn't revolve at all and was facing the sun 24 hours a day??but even then the other part of the earth must be night all through the 24 hours!!!)and Eden was the place where they lived before God banished them away from that place for disobeying his words and eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge.Can someone spot Eden on the world map??A belief among Hindus is Raama was born in Ayodhya.Any proofs???According to Muslims, Angels' duties include communicating revelations from God, glorifying God, recording every person's actions, and taking a person's soul at the time of death. They are also thought to intercede on man's behalf. The Qur'an describes angels as "messengers with wings".."One question,have you got any evidences confirming your believes???

                       Man has always had a fear for the unknown.That fear must have made him search for a shelter.And that must have made him or I should say "forced" him to believe in an entity superior to himself! In the early ages man feared nature.He started worshipping nature.Let me cite another more agreeable example.Have you not come across at least one guy who becomes so religious and believing in God during exam time but for the rest of the year he wouldn't have had a streak of "vibuthi"(holy ash) on his forehead!!
Now,I've heard people saying"I have prayed to god and my god has given me this and that...!!" I can explain that,but before that one question keeps bugging me..say for instance India and Australia are playing in the world cup final match.Now an Indian will pray to god that India must win the match.But an Australian will pray that Australia must win the Cup.Now what will the "GOD" do??!!!Whose prayer will he answer??? I read a book of  Dr.M.S.Udayamurthy in which he throws light on how prayers work,A thought which is being repeated every time gets into our sub conscious and it becomes a belief!And a strong belief can make thinks fall in place,directs our whole system towards it and achieve it.He tells prayers are a form of self hypnosis.

"Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills:
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass."
                                                           -  James Allen
( to be continued)       

(Contents of the next part - History of popular beliefs of the olden days,History of Giordano Bruno-"martyr for free thought and modern scientific ideas",superstitions that the world encountered.The formations of cults,"the brain- washing" into religion and cults and much more....)

Sunday 24 June 2012

Proud to be an Indian...

I think my engless start to forgot.Last thing I remember ki I was on Facebook when a friend of me,shared a person blog..I started read his blog(its definitely a "he" I can tell that just by looking at the  blog ) It was about the blogger's frustration about Fb users posting their photos on Fb and their status updates.I thought of sharing his post that the people of the world can get enlightened by this noble soul's words of wisdom.But on a second thought It's a little risky.If he comes to know that  I have used his words in my blog he may get offended and can even sue me for copyrights violason. So,I will share some quotes of him and I jump to about the "kolaveri version" of the englees language.So here are a few lines from his blog...
  • "The pen is mightier than the sword and all ok, but don't try to fight with a pen. Otherwise there will be ink all over you."
  • "Can’t you sit simply and keep your hands and legs idle? What is your objective in life? To make others jealous? Then why you are simply keep on changing your profile picture? What is the reason? Come on tell me. I want to know the answer."
  • "See I know ki I also have dreams. Yes boss, I want to play cricket for India, it is a big dream for me. But think practically. Life is not a game ok? I have to have good “education” first."
    (I was laughing out loud like a mad man looking at the computer monitor as I was reading his posts!!Well,my mom might have thought something had happened to me! )
                     I personally feel Englees is one of the assets of the British left over while leaving India.They tortured and ruled us for only some years.But we Indians take revenge for that buy murdering englees ever since the day they left!!We as Indians are patriotic very much ki we only speak englees in our mother tongue!!ya,so true.One Instance... for a  Malayali it is "Sir,Won small OHbligation".And some of these clowns out there just like the one whose blog I read recently go one step more and start blogging with their horrible,terrible, Englees.(If a British reads their blog what will he think about our India,Oh god!!) I gotta admit its annoying how confidently they speak in spite of the terrible mistakes they make. It's ok yaar take it easy..I say this to myself.There must be some spices in life because only then life becomes interesting.Take one movie for  example we want songs ,sentiments, love, comedy, fight,villain..only then the movie become interesting so lets forget the murder of engleees and enjoy the punny part.After all English is not our national language and even if it becomes one,we'll only talk englees in our mother Tongue.Proud to be an Indian.Jai Hind!!

Thursday 21 June 2012

How to Irritate Someone (part - 4) - The Sledging

It's been a while since someone really got into my prankster traps!I used to wonder was something wrong with the world or was it just me??I mean everything seemed to go on so perfectly!!But that was not for long!! I came across this "SOB" at the gym recently.He is dark(darker than anyone can possibly imagine),stupid,looks like a moron,looks like who had little or no formal education and definitely no knowledge about body building.He is a complete eye sore for a guy like me.The previous day he had pissed me off and I reacted,but as usual the people at gym intervened and ended the whole thing. This post is about the aftermath..I went to the gym the next day,it was a "Leg day" for me.The most intense workout day of the week,as I squat a hell lotta weight.I was so focused about the workout.But my bad luck(or his')!As soon as I entered,this retard showed up!

The Waking up of the Prankster 
                                                     He said something to me,I couldn't hear what he said,as I was wearing my headphones and the music was blaring.So I took 'em off and asked "what?".He said,"I said Hi!!"(Actually the previous day "Gym periya manushanga ellam samathanaam padithitaanga,But I don't have the words to describe how it felt to shake hands with a person like him who was no match !!it's more than just DISGUSTING :( ) I nodded.with a blank expression.He added "so what muscle are you working out today?I thought "MF" you talkin' to me??! and after a pause I said "Legs".His reply really took me by surprise.He said "I am also working out legs today,shall we work out together?"I was totalllyyy pissed off!How dare he ask such a question??Did he think he was equal to me??Could he possibly match me??But on the other hand my prankster side woke up!!and was grinning...!!! I said "yeah,why not..?you continue I'll get changed and join you in sometime"

The 220 lbs surprise  
                                       I changed to my sleeveless.Put on my shoes.Did warm up and stretches.And I got down.This MF was  talking to sum guys.I interrupted and asked what work out he was doing.He said he was gonna do leg presses.I told him I forgot his name and asked his name again.He told me his name.But I seriously don't remember it now.I didn't take the pain of registering the name of a Fucktard in my brain.I asked him "are you from proper Madurai?He nodded and said where he lived.I grinned.He asked me"why are you laughing?" .I shook my head and told "You look like a villager!!(unna paatha pattikaatan maathiri irukku!!-tamil translation for effective understanding :D ),These clothes that you wear can't hide what you really are..its so evident you are a guy who hails from a village.Please don't tell me it isn't true."I said.He stared at me and after a pause he said "no my native is Melur...."I laughed."I knew it.wasn't I right??" I said.He remind silent.I said "Okay you wanted to workout with me,right??I start with squats..."He said I ll finish this set and join you in sometime.I said okay and I went to the smith machine finished one set of squat.He came to me.I said "Come on,do".He looked at the smith machine loaded with 220 lbs!!He blinked.He was shocked :D  :D .He said no "I don't do this much weight."I said "its okay I am with you I'll help!"He was persistent.He said "no,I can't squat this much weight!"I thought ya that's what I wanted to hear from you,you bitch!!.But I didn't stop at that I started forcing him.He kept saying the same thing.

 Call for a lift     
                            I was persuading him.He called a trainer and said "see he wants me to squat this much weight,you know how much i can do please tell him"the trainer said "sir,he doesn't do heavy weights."I laughed.I said to the trainer"He is always like this he can't handle anything on his own,even yesterday he went and complained to another trainer.Fit for nothing".Both the trainer and the Bit#$ knew what I was up to!I added,"he wanted to workout with me,now when I telll him to squat.He is not doing it.The trainer again said"no it's too heavy for him.He can't do that much weight."I grinned.Now the bitch interrupted.He couldn't take any more of the humiliation!!"He said "people should know their own limitations and remain where they belong and when people bite more than they can chew they lose their dignity.I retorted,"That's exactly what I wanted to tell you.."You think you and I are in the same footing??Now look who has stepped over the line and who has lost their dignity?Now the trainer left."You are no match to me.Keep that in your mind."

                         This guy was totally lost!but still he tried his best not to show it.He said "No Senthil, look.. if you get big and more muscular,you'll look like a hero.But if i do the same thing i'll look like a gunda!! Oh!ya?? I said sarcastically.And he tried talking to me in English.He sucked at it too.His English was terrible.Now I started to talk in English too!!I commented "your English is terrible man.Where did u do your schooling" he said some school in melur.I asked him "what about college?"He said "KLN".I asked "How much did u pay them??".He was getting mad!!But he tried so hard to maintain his cool!!!I asked him "what do you do??"He said "I am a counselor."I laughed oh??so about what do you guide people??He said about career,jobs...based on what are you counseling others?you studied any additional courses?He said "No.Based on my experience I guide people.""oh what experience do u have?"         "I know how to communicate with people? I can find what they are really interested in.There are many ways of approaching a problem.I know how to approach!!""Oh??You mean like Neuro linguistic programming??"He asked what does that mean.(I myself didn't know what that meant and I had heard that word only sometime back before gym!!)I gave my own stupid explanation...I said it's an approach.See a glass is half filled.You can say that in two ways-the glass is half empty or..."half full" he retorted.I said very good you are fast at grasping!!He was so proud of himself!! He smiled in acknowledgement of my compliment!!(I was laughing out loud inside me!!)I mean what a moron!!!

The finishing touch
                                    I said "anyways why are we talking.Come lets exercise!!"and I looked at the squat machine.He said,"No Senthil..." and he kept talking.I was smiling and listening to all his bullshit for a minute or two.Then I lost my patience,I said "you know what??You are starting to piss me off...I am thinking if you will be able to take my hit or will u collapse ...!!"Finally he got offended!!He said  "you are gonna beat me??what are you gonna do??"In an angry tone.I said "You wana know??"And I threw my fist  on him like I was gonna hit him in his face.But I didn't actually hit him.!!He got terrified and covered his body with his hands!!I laughed like the villains in old Tamil movies!! :D Look I am not gonna hit you.I just told you what I thought!!!He stared for a minute.I looked at him like a clown!!Suddenly he took out his cell phone and started talking,he gestured to me that he ll be back and walked away!!I started to workout...after some ten minutes I looked at him.He was sitting in the front desk talking to a trainer and after sometime he went into the manager's room.And was talking to him for a longtime then he went.The manager when he came out of the room looked at me and turned away.The next day a trainer calls me(he's a friend of mine) and asks"what were you talking to that guy yesterday?""nothing much was simply talking" I replied."Why did u pretend like punching him?He asked.I said nothing to that.I grinned!! He starts to advice me again "Senthil don't talk to him.You have come here to workout, please do that.Why do you wanna waste time talking to guys like him?Don't get into any quarrel with him if you don't like him just ignore him....!!!" I could guess what might have happened inside the manager's room!! Haaahahahaaaa!!! :D He still comes to the gym.But never does he dare to look at me!!and it's kinda fun to watch him workout!!I think my granny can lift more weights than him!!!He's a total clown!!

Monday 18 June 2012

Red or Black???

My favorite color used to be red since my childhood days.I used to find it attractive,powerful,more dominating than the other colors.But from my teenage I started liking Black color more.Most of my dresses are black.My cell phone,bike,mp3 player,pens, most of my things are in black color.My preference towards Red has slightly come down.And Black seems a lot attractive.I am starting to wonder which is my favorite, Red or Black??

Saturday 16 June 2012

Boy bands..

The first English pop song I ever listened to was the Backstreet Boys's.It was when I was in my ninth grade.I was a typical teenager,who wanted to try out new things.I was interested in music,movies,sports,travel and a lot other things.My father bought me this new Philips Mp3 cd player,which can play video Cds and also it had 2 built in tape recorders.It was the latest in the market by that time.Now,I heard the name of this band somehow and I liked the title of the band -"Backstreet Boys".It was catchy!!So I bought this album of theirs' named "Backstreet Boys".I still remember the day I bought the cassette and how eagerly I played it on.(the reason for buying cassettes and not Cd's was simple,a company audio Cd costs 300RS,but a company cassette costs 150 Rs.One Cd equaled two cassettes!!,I can spend the extra 150 on another new cassette!!common sense :D )That album was their first album it seems.But I had no idea about it when I bought it. I used to play it all day and all night.I had some favorites in the album...

 1."Get down"
2."Boys will be boys"
3."Quit playing games"
4."As long as you love me"
5."Lets have a party"
6."Everybody(Backstreet's back)
7."Every time I close my eyes"

That was my first exposure to Pop music,I'd say...

And from that day on I started listening to pop songs more than the monotonous Tamil movie songs.I started buying a lot of pop albums.Almost 75% of my  pocket money was spent on cassettes,Cd s !!One day, I happened to see a pop song on TV.The sound of the song itself was totally different from the songs I had previously listened to till that point of time.I loved the song.But somehow I would come across the song only after they have displayed the band name.I was so eagerly waiting to buy that album.And finally one day I got the name of the band it was "Blue" another boy band!So the next day after school,I got this cassette from the stores and as soon as I reached my house jumped out of the car and went running into my room and I played this cassette."All rise" was the first song!!The same song which I had seen on TV it sounded even better in my system.I would have re winded and played it a 100 times the whole day!!!!I liked the whole album,but some songs were more appealing and catchy...they deserve a special mention...

1."All rise"
2."Too Close"
3. "Fly by"
4."Make it happen"
5."This temptation"
6."Back to you"
7."Back some day"
8."Best in me"
9."Girl I'll Never understand"

Now the album has got only 12 songs!!I love these 9 songs.So It's so obvious how much I loved the album.I knew the lyrics to all the song by heart!!! I was so addicted to this band.Blue is one of my favorite bands of all time.My some other favorites from their collections,

2."Get Down On it"
3.."U make me wanna"
4."Sorry seems to be the hardest word"
5."Breathe Easy"
6."When Summer's gone"
7."Walk away"
8."Taste it"
9."Love at first sight"
10."One love"
11."Plz don't treat me like a fool"

Saturday 2 June 2012

Nadanthathu enana....

 Thanks to the advent of youtube.Its the most  entertaining place on the internet.I get to watch my favorite actors' comedy scenes,interviews,music videos,body building videos and any video about anything,You name it,youtube has got it.One thing I 've noticed recently is the increasing number of short films on youtube though a majority of them SUCK bigtime.There are some movies I enjoyed watching.This post is about "my favorite short film",I'd say...I don't know how many times I've watched this movie.But every single time I watch it, I end up LMAO...I saw this movie first time in a TV program and I just loved it right away.I am just thinking aloud which mischief of the protagonist do I like more??hhmmm, drugging the hostel warden??herding ducks inside the college campus???conducting "siripukoottam" for arrear students?? or ogling the young lecturer?? :D :D Man,it's hard to discriminate...Well,now some of my favourite dialogues in the movie..

Principal to Arumaiprakaasam : "Nee en madam kitta apdi nadanthukitta??...athu enna paarvai athu,hmm??"(and the BGM for the love episode, sounds great!! :D ...)

The angry warden :"ivanga ellam padikka varala sir,nammala mudikka vanthurukaanga"??
"Enga college pera internetla thattunaale intha video thaanga varuthu,this is highly ridiculous..."

Principal to warden:"Mr.maruthu 12 hours irukuma??"
Warden:"18 hours sir"

AP's friend : "Dei Machi!unna dismiss pana porangaalam da"
AP : "Marubadiyuma da???"

This film is about Arumaiprakaasam a mischievous college student and his notorious deeds.8 minutes of out and out comedy...this guy is so natural and he suits the role perfectly.And so does all the other characters including the eavesdropping peon!!The screenplay with a twist in the end,cinematography,audio,video quality everything  is good.I can't complain about anything....Ok,now I think I am gonna watch it again... :D :D

Thursday 31 May 2012

The Devil's reign.....

When the rains are over,with the cold breeze still making u shiver             
and when the night awakens,unleashing its children,
You can see him coming!
Half devil,half man,lousy,dark and ugly with blood red eyes!!
An animal on its prowl seeking vengeance!!
have u heard of the most perilous criminal ever??
Once in the town of Roscoe lived a guy by the name Raven roe.
a devil which grew as a human fetus!
The ugliest of the criminals in town, worse than any nightmare.
the tears of a thousand angels personified.
He killed the men,women and children of roscoe!!
But no one could stop him from his sway!
He was the symbol of fear,and death in the hearts of the people!!
Raven trusted no one but himself and Death,
As both were unstoppable and invincible!!
he ate to live,and he lived to kill!!
Raven, Satan's last son!

who came to earth as a curse.
Many abandoned the town.
he reigned,he ruled, he killed, he destroyed!!
He believed that roscoe was his own.
One rainy night it finally happened,
Four men of his town broke in and murdered him in his sleep!!
An episode of a beast that finally ended indeed..
people celebrated his death, there were feasts and frolic everywhere.
but,to everyone's shock,the next day the four were found dead-Slaughtered!!
The people witnessed the most terrifying and fatal deaths in the history of roscoe!!
Ever since that, the departed sorrows returned,
From that day,now and then people died sudden and terrifying deaths.
Only later did they realize the monster had returned,
but this time he was immortal,as this time he was already dead!!
In the nights,they saw him in his balcony,
sometimes walking on the streets in his long black coat,
and always,when it stopped raining and when it was dark!


I was planning to write at least 7 posts for the month of May.But ended up writing only 5.It all started good for this month but somehow got deteriorated .My average number of posts for a month comes to 5 .That means I am able to add only one post  for a week??!!Thats too bad performance for a man of my intelligence.I think I have to push my limits...And this month was so happening! I could have written about a lot of stuffs.Damned I didn't.Okay,I got another day left..I think I can make up!reach my target somehow...Write about all small things may be,even silly things.To increase the count!But I am sure it's gonna be crap!!I am gonna look like some people out there,who try so hard to say something but they really don't have anything to say!!And they end up talking gibberish!Like this guy I met recently, we got introduced in a strange way.He told me he was a compere.I thought to myself " Okay,Go f**k yourselves"!I couldn't bare to even look at the guy he was such an eyesore and a complete moron.He kept talkinggggg(God I hate blabbermouths) and at one point I couldn't take it anymore. "I thot you're dead son."And I unleashed the prankster within me,who was already licking his lips at his new prey!And god what happened after that was one helluva story!!!probably I can take that into "How to Irritate someone part 4"!!Then I watched this movie called "The Seven year Itch" starring Marilyn Monroe.She looked like a doll.The movie was out and out funny. I enjoyed watching it.I think I am starting to get a knack at this gibberish  style now!!Way to go...

More bullshit the soft drink commercial "just bullshit nothing else."I think "these days it doesn't matter what you talk,it only matters that you talk or not"No reasons,No logics,pure stupidity.I think that's enough of gibberish now ... God Save our souls!!

Monday 21 May 2012

Ain't no Sunshine,When she's gone...

After a long long time I  played my guitar today.And It felt so great!I hadn't touched my guitar for a while.I almost forgot that I even have a guitar.But somehow took it out today,tuned it, first played a C major scale to see if I was okay,and I thanked my stars, as whatever I learned were still intact.Since I started afresh,I thought of learning a new song.So,I was searching on the internet for a song to play with my guitar.There were loads of "how to play" videos about so many songs with various versions.I happen to come across a song,"Ain't no Sunshine,When she's gone" by Bill Withers.It was a pretty a simple song to play.The person who taught the acoustics part of the song in the video also sang a couple of lines to show where to change the chords and I liked  the sound of it.So,as usual I downloaded the song and man I liked it in no time.Its a small,simple and beautiful song.Kinda Jazz.And It was so enchanting!!The song's about this girl who the singer misses.
                          There was no official music video for the song,except for a video of Bill Withers singing.I thought of writing a storyline for this song,like a pop video and here it is..Here is what I imagined...The story of the song takes place in the eighties in Mexico.The guy wakes up from his sleep,finds that his girlfriend is missing.It's very early in the morning,rays of sunlight penetrates through the curtain gaps and lits up the room.(the song starts here).He knows she's gone.He brushes away the flakes of hair that fall on his face,leans back and sits on the bed thinking about her.The video goes back to the day when he first met her.He's a thief and she is a doctor.(Both use knives,but for different purposes.)He goes to her after a  fight.Both meet,It's Love at first sight.She treats him,covers his wounds with bandages.Then its a montage..both are shown talking for hours, walking on the beach,Riding on a motorcycle,Both kissing each other.When "And I know, I know..."part of the song comes he is shown in the present breaking things,looking at her photos,washing his face,touching her dresses,looking at his knife,ogling at a neighbor chick,,Then again video goes to flashback.She taking his knife and using it meticulously kidding like she's gonna slit his throat,He grabs the knife and looks passionately into her blue eyes...both are so happy together.And one day both plan to go out on a date...but at the last moment she gets a phone call from the hospital.She tells him she's gotta go.He lets her go unwillingly.And every now and then this happens.The girl's occupation interferes with their love life.She spends most of the time at the hospital,treating patients.She's helpless.He seems upset.He misses her.Then he is shown standing on a roof-top looking at her from a distance,performing surgeries, .And then late at night,when she's sleeping.He breaks into her house.She wakes up.Both make love.And the flashback ends there.In the present, he's shown looking at a photo of both of them together!the video fades out....THE END!

And ya, I started practicing the song and I sound okay!!

The lyrics of the song,

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away.

Wonder this time where she's gone

Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away.

And I know, I know, I know, I know,

I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know,
Hey, I oughtta leave young thing alone
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Only darkness every day.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away.
Anytime she goes away.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Lessons that I've learnt - The Bench Press...

Bench press is an exercise that you do for your pectoral muscles(Chest).I've always hated the exercise.Two reasons;one,there is a great possibility of serious injury.If you add too much weight than you can handle,"You are Fucked up"The barbell can fall back and snap your neck or can hit you right in your face!!And two,I am not a big fan of chest workouts.You can also workout with weights that u can handle,weights those are easy for you too push.Weights that are light! But that ain't gonna make you stronger,that ain't gonna make your muscle grow.So you have to take that risk,and push..If you wanna grow!!Today out of nowhere this thought  hit me.Life is also like the bench press!!yeah!it's a"A Giant Fucking Bench Press!!"You've added weights(the problems you face in life.Just like as the weight gets heavier the muscle grow,the problems as the bigger they get, test our inner strength and gives us an opportunity for growth,when we tackle them) so you are pushing it, letting it come to you again then pushing it think you are in total control but as it goes you get tired and the load gets too heavy.. it forces you to give up.. that weight is too heavy for your arms to take.So what??You can't afford to give up.The weight is hanging right on top of you,this is not the right time for you to give up.Surrender can only make things worse!the weight's gonna fall on you.You can't say "I tried my best but i couldn't.."Struggling doesn't count,its Winning that counts!Now,there are choices, just two of them.You can give up saying you can't handle the weight,let it fall on you,get hurt,quit,curse life.Or you can also die trying for what you want.You can push that weight off you.You can grow!!Now would you wanna push it or give up???I think that's what life's all about.PUSHING IT..PUSHING IT HARDER...(this one's not for those "light weight handlers" who are happy with what they already have and who resist growth..they are unfit for the game)

Saturday 5 May 2012

Easy 6 ways to get a 6 pack ab....

The following material is a sole publication of mine and any copying ,reproducing or copying and altering some words and making it a new blog will be considered a severe offence .And will be punishable accordingly.The following conclusions have been drawn after my serious testing and experimenting.They've proven to be effective.So anyone who wants a 6 pack should strictly adhere to all the parameters mentioned to get optimum results..The different ways are being given in the order of priority from the least to the best effective,among the 6 different ways.

6.This technique calls for help from another person who is good at painting.You may get the help of your friend who is good at drawing or painting or both.Get some white,brown,or black poster color matching your skin tone and a brush and a scale.Now,Lie flat on a table and ask your friend to draw the 6 packs or 8 packs as you wish, on your tummy.And don't forget to take a snapshot of it.Because you can't be searching for a painter every time.

5.When you wear a shirt,your six packs ain't gonna be visible.All u need is that your tummy must be absolutely flat.For this technique you need a big old sac.Alter the sac so that it fits into your body(torso) so tight.And it holds on to your tummy tightly.On the outside you overall look like u have a flat ab.Now wear a shirt or t shirt as u wish.People will be amazed to see your flat 6 pack ab.But to ensure safety tie a couple of ropes around your tummy so it doesn't come popping out of the sac.

4.Enroll yourself in a big gym, a very big gym with all latest equipment,There are so many gyms these days which fit into this criteria,But be sure that the gym's annual membership fees is not less than Rs.20,000.Because only a gym that high-tech will have very intelligent and smart trainers,who will make your dream of having a six pack come true.Trust me these people are very much effective.Don't worry about the money.You will receive a training your money's worth.

3.You can get some leeches and leave them on your tummy and ask them to suck only the fat around your waist area.They may not listen to your words at first.Because they don't understand English.So in order to communicate with them you have to learn their language.But how to learn?? don't worry,We have published "The top Secret book of the language of the leeches",grab your copy today and start learning the leech language.The first hundred orders will be given a free pouch containing 20 leeches!!Hurry up ...You can call us...We don't have any phone number or cell number...All you gotta do is run to your terrace and call us at the top of your lungs on a full moon night..And we'll reach you as soon as we hear you.

2.If you have a sore throat don't worry,try this,do all the ab exercises u know on earth all day,all night,for 3 days 24 hours no break in between.No breakfast,no lunch,no dinner,no sleep,no cell phones,no sms,no facebook..keep doing it again n again you will sure notice change on the fourth day.(that change might be quiet shocking!!)

1.This is the most effective of all the other ways mentioned in the list.You may need help from an outsider.A person who hates you very much can be the best choice.Here's how it works,stand right before him,call him all names,show him faces,irritate him(for more clarifications you can go through my post"How to irritate someone")now show him your tummy .Ask him to punch 50 hard-core punches to your stomach and all your fat will run through your rectum.This session must be performed 3 times a day.For a week.It was my teacher who made me realize this technique after watching the "Rocky movie" and I am very grateful to her.
Courtesy:Rocky II movie.Where Sly is shown to get busted out with punches to his abdomen during  his practice sessions for the re-match with Apollo.

My sincere thanks to my teacher who inspires me and who has always been an enthusiastic trainee in my training program.She was a big motivation for me to write this post.I am thankful for her ideas and support throughout.And I wish her all the best in her pursuit for her 6 pack abs.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

How to Irritate Someone (part - 3)

I love Economics.It has always been my favorite subject right from my school days.Now anyone might wonder what relevance does Economics,have with irritating someone??Well,here's what it is,there is a term in Economics  its what we call "division of labor".It's simple. It means dividing a work which is to be done, among the people in a team,in order to increase the efficiency of the work!!Now,a person may be better off alone.But at times it's really helpful to take an outside help.And when that help is from a person who has similar mindset,the results can be amazing! You need not always shoulder the task of enraging someone all by yourselves.You can incorporate "Division of labor",use the help of some one else too. So here's another prank that i played recently on my friend,and it was reallllyyy funny!!

        That day I had to go to my grandmother's house as I had my aunt,uncle and their kids visiting.I just love those kids.We make a good team!Well,"I am just a big Kid".Its mostly fun to have them around,but at times a demanding task too,they neveerr get tired!!now I am sticking only to the bright side.Me and my friend were texting each other rite from when I got into the car and reached the place.Seeing my kid cousins after quite sometime,I was busy talking to them and I couldn't text her properly,all my replies were very late.She asked something I saw the msg n deleted it thought of texting her later and  she stopped texting me too.By this time we got really busy and after sometime I realized that she had texted me.But I forgot what it was about so i asked her "what wer u asking?".It was 2 hours by now,from the time she had texted me.She was pissed off,"u dont reply me for all this time now u ask me to resend it ,forget it.."was the reply. I asked her again,she said "I forgot what i sent."Now the concept of division of labor came to my mind!!

I  looked at my kid brother,he is just four years old,kinder garden kid!!He was already curious about my cell phone,He wanted to see the phone but I didn't give him..You know? kids of these days take computer,cellphones,etc for play things!!I asked him "shall we play with this phone??" he was so happy,he nodded eagerly..I said,first lets call somebody you tell them,what I tell you..then you can play the games in the phone..he said ok...I made him repeat some words and I told him"this is what you have to tell them if you want to play with my phone."After some repeated efforts(comon,he's just a kid) he got it right!now I called my friend and I gave the phone to him,He started"naaye,korange,panniye,kosuve(i call her kosu to irritate her,as she's a lil skinny)...aie chee phone-a vai,pekkepekkepekke,!!"and I cut the call!! :D I was laughing out loud! She texts me instantly "enna chinnapaiyana vachu thitta vaikuriya??"I didn't reply to that text, me n him were playing with the phone.Another message came "naan call panren olunga attend pannu".Now this time she called, he asked me"yaarunaa,phonela??" I said,"Nee thitunela avanethaan unna thitta call panraan da"
He got angry,He attended the call this time and his improvisations-"aie,naaye,korange,ethuku da summa call panra..panni anga vanthen adichuduven aie chee phone-a vai," !!! and he gave the phone to me.. :D :D :D .I was awestruck!!What am i to say?!!That was an unexpected bonus!! Kids,these days....!! :D :D But poor girl she was so disturbed,Later that evening she was scolding me "you should teach him good things....bllaahh blaahhh"(Well,If u had noticed, my bro was addressing her as a boy,what I did was, I was holding the phone at a distance from him.So naturally, he was unable to hear her voice and so he wouldn't "pottukuduthufy" me in home that I am talking to a girl and he also wouldn't get scoldings from her,See I am very protective!!)There was no proper cause for me to play this prank on her..but anyways still it was so much entertaining!! :D

Rule#3:you need not always shoulder the task of enraging someone all by yourselves.You can incorporate "Division of   labor",use the help of some one else too.                                  

Sunday 15 April 2012


என்ன அசத்துறா.
கசக்குரா என் இதயத்த போட்டு  கசக்குரா ...
வானவில்லா ஒரு காதலும் தந்து போனா
வானமா ஒரு ஆசைய தூண்டி போனா.
அவ தல முடி அருவில விழுந்தேன்,
இன்னும் தர சேரல சேரல
அவ அழகெனும் காடுல தொலைஞ்சேன்,
வெளியேற வழி தெரியல தெரியல...
என் உலகத்த தலைகீழா திருப்பி போட்டு
கள்ளதனமா சிரிக்கிறா ...
காத்துல என் காதல தூவி செடி ஒன்னு வளக்குறேன் நான்,
அவ மூச்சு காத்து என் மேல பட, தவம் ஒன்னு இருக்கிறேன் நான்..
பார்வையால பேசுறா,என்ன கடந்து போகுறா,
அவ சிரிப்புல கெரன்குனேன்,
அவ கைய புடிக்க தவிச்சேன்,
அவ வெக்கத்த ரசிச்சேன்,
அவளுககுன்னு  என் காதல மொத்தமா சேத்து வச்சேன்...


Tuesday 10 April 2012

How to Irritate Someone( part - 2)

It doesn't have to be words always.As they say actions speak louder than words.We can drive people nuts just by our actions.And they also say necessity is the mother of invention.u have a necessity i.e, you gotta drive someone nuts.So start inventing new ways!!:D So let me narrate this prank i played on someone i know...

           There is this girl in my class,me and her are like cat and dog.We used to be good friends some time back but we had a fight and from that day on I swore to myself that she was my worst enemy.I ve done a lot of things to irritate her and not to forget she's also done a lot!! I'd like to share an incident by this post.We go to the same C.A. coaching center.That evening we both reached the parking lot at the same time.I parked my bike and i started to walk towards the building.She is a lazy ass,she was walking slowly.So I had a lead..( naturally).When i entered the building i got this crazy idea.See the classes are held on the third floor and we have only one elevator.So here's what i did.. I scooted to the elevator and i closed the door,I heard her catching up. I immediately pushed the button for the 3 rd floor!!and the elevator started.And once I reached the 3rd floor here's what I did...I  left the elevator doors open!!! :D :D for the elevator to move the doors must be locked,anybody knows that and i was standing right next to the door just to make sure no one else closes it.And after waiting for 5 minutes the lazy ass started to climb up the stairs only after seeing that, I entered the classroom. I stood under the Air-condition..relaxing, listening to songs in my mp3 player.(as there was some 5 minutes more for the class to start)She opened the door,entered the class and instantly glared at me.I looked back at her chuckling.She walked towards her seat and I was standing right on the pathway she came near me and asked me to move..I just stood there totally ignoring her with earphones on, finally she gave up and moved the chairs away while cursing me and went to her seat...I ruined her mindset, she started that class with a "bad mood"and I was all peppy throughout the session.That gratification was priceless.

See that's how to add creativity to your mission of pissing them off. :D
Rule#2 Add creativity and always be open so that u can pounce on any opportunity that u may come across...

How to Irritate Someone...( part - 1)

Irritating people can be one of the most easiest thing to do but at times can also be totally impossible.It depends on the person,the scenario and person who's being targeted.But nothing is impossible all u need is the proper mind set,attitude and most important of all keep your cool and never get emotional.Deal the entire thing only with your brain and you will start to love it as your prey becomes uncomfortable with you and he/she getting all tensed and fumed up!!....So here is the first post of  "How to Irritate Someone.."

Facebook is the most happening social network and definitely an entertaining place!There is this girl that I got acquainted with through facebook.We got a couple of mutual friends so I think she must have come across my profile and sent me a request.We used to have chats and from the way I interpreted she was definitely a show off . Her updates were mostly about guys...that so and so was hot...someone was cute and sexy... I didn't react to this initially but as things started to get weary I started commenting on her posts!Made her go bananas!And finally I got too hot to handle for her!!That she couldn't bear me!! I'll quote two incidents.

1.She quoted actor Simbhu's words about him saying that he wanted to marry a beautiful girl becoz he wanted to have a cute child.And she commented that beauty is not at all important and character was the thing that a guy should be looking for in a girl.She didn't stop at that she totally dissed the actor for going after beauty alone.Now an important thing that needs mention is -This girl wasn't that good looking!!I saw this post and at once started commenting to that post(We had an argument in Thanglish both tamil and english,for better understanding I am translating it in English and I am not quoting her words as I seriously don't remember what she said nevertheless they were totally insignificant,not upto my standards of irritating others) I said "it's true that a guy should look for character but at the same time beauty is also equally important and I asked her "why are u getting offended? its the not so beautiful girls(mokka figures)who should be offended."She got pissed off but she was trying to maintain her sanity! :D she replied that she didn't get offended and that I was only being funny.Then I told her "Oh!am i being funny??I didn't know that... i ve got a doubt if beauty isn't important why do u wear so much make up??!" (she's all glossy and glittering)She got fumed and the conversation went on on and on for sometime and after totally pissing her off and as I thought the damage was enough for the day and I had some other work to do I said "cool down girl i'll get u a drink sumtym!" :D as she was looking for an end she grasped at that and the conversation finally ended!!

2.This time around she quoted the words about a plastic surgeon saying that one should be pure by heart and that matters a lot than physical appearance!!But the previous day she had posted her photo,the way she looked two years back and a recent photo.She had lost around 30 kgs!see i gave a like for that pic and commented "all the best."But when i saw this quote the devil within me woke up! :D I commented on that post as follows "if physical appearance is not important why do u go to gym?why have u lost weight??!!u should have been the same old fat girl like two years back!:D She got totally pissed off, to that extent that she blocked my Facebook profile :D . I was laughing like crazy when i saw she had blocked my profile :D I thoroughly enjoyed the whole irritating process.And as i write this blog there is this big grin on my face... lml
See anybody can be irritated..Because everyone has a breaking-point!!You can make anyone go crazy but the point is you should keep your cool,never get offended by what they comment about you in return and at the same time enjoy what you are doing..If you can do this you'll definitely drive them insane!!So thats the rule no.1