Thursday 2 August 2012

Raging Bull..

Yesterday I read about an incident that happened in Bhopal which shocked me!! It also left me wondering if animals were capable of avenging those people who hurt them???I thought they were insensitive.But after reading about the incident I am trying to reconsider my opinion!! I am reminded of the popular Vadivelu comedy,where he is been targeted by all the animals in his village which he had previously hurt!! Ok,before I proceed any further let me narrate what I read...

          Bup Naarayanan Prajapathy 65 years old, from Theori, Saagar district in Madhya Pradesh is the victim.He is said to have hit a bull,which was roaming nearby his house.The bull in retaliation hurt him severely and he had been hospitalized.It took him one whole month to recover!After getting back home he must have been searching the bull to seek vengeance for its ruthless actions.Last week he had found the bull lying and resting before his house.He poured hot water on the bull  in revenge.Next day morning,when he was standing out of his hut, the bull had tried to strike him.The poor guy being terribly scared ran inside his hut.But the mad bull had chased him inside his house and butted him severely with its horns,dragged him outside his hut and had hurt him ferociously.But it was too late when his neighbors finally managed to drive the bull away as it had hurt him with all of its fury and strength.They took him to the hospital,but it was no use,the doctors said he had died on the way itself.The most shocking part of the incident was this,The bull had followed him all the way to the hospital!! and it followed him and stayed in the graveyard until his corpse was buried!!!The people who witnessed this incident were really shocked.Well they must be!!Now, I am trying to contemplate,how enraged must the "culprit" bull  have been to have followed him all the way to the graveyard!!I wonder why these people didn't kill the bull.It is going to be a serious threat for the other people in that area.I've only seen in the movies,about animals avenging people who hurt them.But this incident was one rare phenomena!!!! :(

          Now,after reading about this incident I was a little bit worried because I have teased and hurt almost all the dogs(stray dogs and pet dogs!) in my area.I think it's high time I start being cautious...!! :( :p


  1. yeah ...bulls are aggressive by nature...i have teased bull calves and they would be scared till they were seven or eight months old. then when they got their horns, they would target me. some cows too are like that.

    1. yeppe!!ithungakitta irukrathu rombha kashtam poliye!!!btw, what have u done to tease them???can u write that as a post in detail so i can implement them in future may be!! :D
