Tuesday 10 April 2012

How to Irritate Someone( part - 2)

It doesn't have to be words always.As they say actions speak louder than words.We can drive people nuts just by our actions.And they also say necessity is the mother of invention.u have a necessity i.e, you gotta drive someone nuts.So start inventing new ways!!:D So let me narrate this prank i played on someone i know...

           There is this girl in my class,me and her are like cat and dog.We used to be good friends some time back but we had a fight and from that day on I swore to myself that she was my worst enemy.I ve done a lot of things to irritate her and not to forget she's also done a lot!! I'd like to share an incident by this post.We go to the same C.A. coaching center.That evening we both reached the parking lot at the same time.I parked my bike and i started to walk towards the building.She is a lazy ass,she was walking slowly.So I had a lead..( naturally).When i entered the building i got this crazy idea.See the classes are held on the third floor and we have only one elevator.So here's what i did.. I scooted to the elevator and i closed the door,I heard her catching up. I immediately pushed the button for the 3 rd floor!!and the elevator started.And once I reached the 3rd floor here's what I did...I  left the elevator doors open!!! :D :D for the elevator to move the doors must be locked,anybody knows that and i was standing right next to the door just to make sure no one else closes it.And after waiting for 5 minutes the lazy ass started to climb up the stairs only after seeing that, I entered the classroom. I stood under the Air-condition..relaxing, listening to songs in my mp3 player.(as there was some 5 minutes more for the class to start)She opened the door,entered the class and instantly glared at me.I looked back at her chuckling.She walked towards her seat and I was standing right on the pathway she came near me and asked me to move..I just stood there totally ignoring her with earphones on, finally she gave up and moved the chairs away while cursing me and went to her seat...I ruined her mindset, she started that class with a "bad mood"and I was all peppy throughout the session.That gratification was priceless.

See that's how to add creativity to your mission of pissing them off. :D
Rule#2 Add creativity and always be open so that u can pounce on any opportunity that u may come across...


  1. part 2 is funnier than part 1. I guess its difficult to recapture quarrels with all nuances that make it spicy.I guess I should dread part 3.Still waiting for it

    1. exactly its difficult to recapture them...i even checked my mail to see if i had the notifications for those comments so i can copy,paste them here...but i don't have :( ...anyways that quarrel was equally funny i enjoyed it TOTALLY:D and i think u would be more interested to read part 4!! ;)
