My name is Indian,
- I am from India.I love my country.
- Cricket is my national game.
- Pizza is my national food.
- Jeans and t-shirt are my favorite dress.(I don't care how hot it is I wear only jeans)
- Night outing and boozing are part of my culture.
- Spitting anywhere and urinating in any place are my birth rights.
- Don't question me if I break the glasses of buses or even burn them,coz I've been told they are public properties.I'm just exercising control over what is rightfully mine.
- I hardly know the lyrics of the national anthem,but if you are gonna ask me about cine songs I'll give you the lyrics of any of them, any day,any time.
- Mosquitoes are my pets.
- I think politics is reserved for selfish and ineffective people.So that's not my cup of tea.But if you want me to comment,I will oblige very willingly.
- The US is my second home,And it's my duty to get a job and a green card there
- I care so much for the welfare of animals,stray dogs for instance I don't kill them or adopt them.I'd rather leave them on the streets and let them maul kids and passerby's.I don't bother even if people die because of these stray dogs.
- I don't pay my taxes.But I curse the government for not providing proper roads,facilities,etc
- I've read discriminating people on basis of their castes is a sin.But I can't stop myself from discriminating.
- Complaining,forgetting,being biased are some traits that are in my genes.
- If i am into politics then my definition of democracy would be "fall the people,buy the people,off the people.."
- I get money from representatives of political parties and I swear to them that I'll only vote to them.And come what may, I keep up my word
- I believe cinema heroes can actually fight a 100 men at a time and dodge a bullet in real life and I seriously believe they are gods or blessed by gods.
- In order to recruit say a CEO for a company having 500 employees,I ask for experience,educational qualification.But to contest for the chief minister of a state or the prime minister of the nation I never think of any such requirements...
- I belong to an age where reel heroes get paid more than real heroes.I mean to say the soldiers who safeguard,fight and die for this great nation......
We Indians live in India.And therefore what we are is what the nation is...So,THIS IS INDIAAAAAAAAAAA.....
Selfishness and focusing only on money has taken away all the charm from living.Some of the things you have written and that have caused the crumbling of our service system are explicit signs of the lack of passion and wholesome vision in our lives.There's a lot of work to be done here.