Thursday 22 September 2011

Roses are red...

I am all alone,sitting in my room,listening to rock music.Thoughts keep wavering.I wonder sometimes can anyone love u,all the time of the year?? Not even a mother can love her kid all the time..Every relation has its highs and lows..its just not constant.Its not roses all the way.Sometimes u step on a thorn that could ruin the entire journey u've come across.But I think it's in the way people perceive it, that's what makes the difference!For me once I've stepped  on a thorn, I never think about the roses.I've stepped on that one thorn many a time.And that had ruined my entire journey,my entire relationship.I am not a patient,easy going guy,I am easily provoked and i just don't know to hide my emotions.I've been through a lot of things becoz of these and though i regret it,I don't take the least of the efforts to change my ways.It's like i was born that way!!Take this  instance,about me not able to control or hide my emotions-When i was in class IV,once my science teacher was enraged by me ,as I was talking to the next kid without listening to her class,the situation was quiet natural and the beatings i got for that were also natural...!!!But what i did was out of the ordinary I was glaring at my teacher like I was going to eat her alive!,for all that period!!!She could recall that incident even after i went to high school....(the thorns!!)

I guess, I'm predictable and anyone could read my emotions so easily.But lately i've been trying to control them,but somehow those lil bastards creep out of  me.When i talk about the thorns, I fail to realize it can be the same way with people too...those who are at the receiving end!!but i want them to forgive and forget!!May be i should learn to put myself in others shoes!Though i know what to do,i don't do...becoz for me it's always the heart that wins over the mind...!

Recently i was goin thru my school report cards,I had some really impressive scores , 496/500,490/500,etc!!But at the bottom of the report card was the teachers remarks about me.To quote them, my teacher thought i was
1."independent"2."brilliant"3.having leadership qualities and 4."very emotional"!! 


  1. A mother's love is different from and above anything else. You sometimes outgrow your friends or they grow apart. But it's important to have relationships at various levels of intimacy. Your emotions help you bond with such friends and help you get an intimate circle. It's good to control negative emotions and channelize them creatively and important to nurture positive emotions such as friendship, love and trust.

  2. ya..that's true mam...a mother's love is beyond anything...and friends of course are very important,I learned that only recently,i want to maintain a friends circle and these days i am trying to forgive and forget all those bad memories from my past and move on...but the mind takes control sumway or the other sometimes....
