Wednesday 25 April 2012

How to Irritate Someone (part - 3)

I love Economics.It has always been my favorite subject right from my school days.Now anyone might wonder what relevance does Economics,have with irritating someone??Well,here's what it is,there is a term in Economics  its what we call "division of labor".It's simple. It means dividing a work which is to be done, among the people in a team,in order to increase the efficiency of the work!!Now,a person may be better off alone.But at times it's really helpful to take an outside help.And when that help is from a person who has similar mindset,the results can be amazing! You need not always shoulder the task of enraging someone all by yourselves.You can incorporate "Division of labor",use the help of some one else too. So here's another prank that i played recently on my friend,and it was reallllyyy funny!!

        That day I had to go to my grandmother's house as I had my aunt,uncle and their kids visiting.I just love those kids.We make a good team!Well,"I am just a big Kid".Its mostly fun to have them around,but at times a demanding task too,they neveerr get tired!!now I am sticking only to the bright side.Me and my friend were texting each other rite from when I got into the car and reached the place.Seeing my kid cousins after quite sometime,I was busy talking to them and I couldn't text her properly,all my replies were very late.She asked something I saw the msg n deleted it thought of texting her later and  she stopped texting me too.By this time we got really busy and after sometime I realized that she had texted me.But I forgot what it was about so i asked her "what wer u asking?".It was 2 hours by now,from the time she had texted me.She was pissed off,"u dont reply me for all this time now u ask me to resend it ,forget it.."was the reply. I asked her again,she said "I forgot what i sent."Now the concept of division of labor came to my mind!!

I  looked at my kid brother,he is just four years old,kinder garden kid!!He was already curious about my cell phone,He wanted to see the phone but I didn't give him..You know? kids of these days take computer,cellphones,etc for play things!!I asked him "shall we play with this phone??" he was so happy,he nodded eagerly..I said,first lets call somebody you tell them,what I tell you..then you can play the games in the phone..he said ok...I made him repeat some words and I told him"this is what you have to tell them if you want to play with my phone."After some repeated efforts(comon,he's just a kid) he got it right!now I called my friend and I gave the phone to him,He started"naaye,korange,panniye,kosuve(i call her kosu to irritate her,as she's a lil skinny)...aie chee phone-a vai,pekkepekkepekke,!!"and I cut the call!! :D I was laughing out loud! She texts me instantly "enna chinnapaiyana vachu thitta vaikuriya??"I didn't reply to that text, me n him were playing with the phone.Another message came "naan call panren olunga attend pannu".Now this time she called, he asked me"yaarunaa,phonela??" I said,"Nee thitunela avanethaan unna thitta call panraan da"
He got angry,He attended the call this time and his improvisations-"aie,naaye,korange,ethuku da summa call panra..panni anga vanthen adichuduven aie chee phone-a vai," !!! and he gave the phone to me.. :D :D :D .I was awestruck!!What am i to say?!!That was an unexpected bonus!! Kids,these days....!! :D :D But poor girl she was so disturbed,Later that evening she was scolding me "you should teach him good things....bllaahh blaahhh"(Well,If u had noticed, my bro was addressing her as a boy,what I did was, I was holding the phone at a distance from him.So naturally, he was unable to hear her voice and so he wouldn't "pottukuduthufy" me in home that I am talking to a girl and he also wouldn't get scoldings from her,See I am very protective!!)There was no proper cause for me to play this prank on her..but anyways still it was so much entertaining!! :D

Rule#3:you need not always shoulder the task of enraging someone all by yourselves.You can incorporate "Division of   labor",use the help of some one else too.                                  

Sunday 15 April 2012


என்ன அசத்துறா.
கசக்குரா என் இதயத்த போட்டு  கசக்குரா ...
வானவில்லா ஒரு காதலும் தந்து போனா
வானமா ஒரு ஆசைய தூண்டி போனா.
அவ தல முடி அருவில விழுந்தேன்,
இன்னும் தர சேரல சேரல
அவ அழகெனும் காடுல தொலைஞ்சேன்,
வெளியேற வழி தெரியல தெரியல...
என் உலகத்த தலைகீழா திருப்பி போட்டு
கள்ளதனமா சிரிக்கிறா ...
காத்துல என் காதல தூவி செடி ஒன்னு வளக்குறேன் நான்,
அவ மூச்சு காத்து என் மேல பட, தவம் ஒன்னு இருக்கிறேன் நான்..
பார்வையால பேசுறா,என்ன கடந்து போகுறா,
அவ சிரிப்புல கெரன்குனேன்,
அவ கைய புடிக்க தவிச்சேன்,
அவ வெக்கத்த ரசிச்சேன்,
அவளுககுன்னு  என் காதல மொத்தமா சேத்து வச்சேன்...


Tuesday 10 April 2012

How to Irritate Someone( part - 2)

It doesn't have to be words always.As they say actions speak louder than words.We can drive people nuts just by our actions.And they also say necessity is the mother of invention.u have a necessity i.e, you gotta drive someone nuts.So start inventing new ways!!:D So let me narrate this prank i played on someone i know...

           There is this girl in my class,me and her are like cat and dog.We used to be good friends some time back but we had a fight and from that day on I swore to myself that she was my worst enemy.I ve done a lot of things to irritate her and not to forget she's also done a lot!! I'd like to share an incident by this post.We go to the same C.A. coaching center.That evening we both reached the parking lot at the same time.I parked my bike and i started to walk towards the building.She is a lazy ass,she was walking slowly.So I had a lead..( naturally).When i entered the building i got this crazy idea.See the classes are held on the third floor and we have only one elevator.So here's what i did.. I scooted to the elevator and i closed the door,I heard her catching up. I immediately pushed the button for the 3 rd floor!!and the elevator started.And once I reached the 3rd floor here's what I did...I  left the elevator doors open!!! :D :D for the elevator to move the doors must be locked,anybody knows that and i was standing right next to the door just to make sure no one else closes it.And after waiting for 5 minutes the lazy ass started to climb up the stairs only after seeing that, I entered the classroom. I stood under the Air-condition..relaxing, listening to songs in my mp3 player.(as there was some 5 minutes more for the class to start)She opened the door,entered the class and instantly glared at me.I looked back at her chuckling.She walked towards her seat and I was standing right on the pathway she came near me and asked me to move..I just stood there totally ignoring her with earphones on, finally she gave up and moved the chairs away while cursing me and went to her seat...I ruined her mindset, she started that class with a "bad mood"and I was all peppy throughout the session.That gratification was priceless.

See that's how to add creativity to your mission of pissing them off. :D
Rule#2 Add creativity and always be open so that u can pounce on any opportunity that u may come across...

How to Irritate Someone...( part - 1)

Irritating people can be one of the most easiest thing to do but at times can also be totally impossible.It depends on the person,the scenario and person who's being targeted.But nothing is impossible all u need is the proper mind set,attitude and most important of all keep your cool and never get emotional.Deal the entire thing only with your brain and you will start to love it as your prey becomes uncomfortable with you and he/she getting all tensed and fumed up!!....So here is the first post of  "How to Irritate Someone.."

Facebook is the most happening social network and definitely an entertaining place!There is this girl that I got acquainted with through facebook.We got a couple of mutual friends so I think she must have come across my profile and sent me a request.We used to have chats and from the way I interpreted she was definitely a show off . Her updates were mostly about guys...that so and so was hot...someone was cute and sexy... I didn't react to this initially but as things started to get weary I started commenting on her posts!Made her go bananas!And finally I got too hot to handle for her!!That she couldn't bear me!! I'll quote two incidents.

1.She quoted actor Simbhu's words about him saying that he wanted to marry a beautiful girl becoz he wanted to have a cute child.And she commented that beauty is not at all important and character was the thing that a guy should be looking for in a girl.She didn't stop at that she totally dissed the actor for going after beauty alone.Now an important thing that needs mention is -This girl wasn't that good looking!!I saw this post and at once started commenting to that post(We had an argument in Thanglish both tamil and english,for better understanding I am translating it in English and I am not quoting her words as I seriously don't remember what she said nevertheless they were totally insignificant,not upto my standards of irritating others) I said "it's true that a guy should look for character but at the same time beauty is also equally important and I asked her "why are u getting offended? its the not so beautiful girls(mokka figures)who should be offended."She got pissed off but she was trying to maintain her sanity! :D she replied that she didn't get offended and that I was only being funny.Then I told her "Oh!am i being funny??I didn't know that... i ve got a doubt if beauty isn't important why do u wear so much make up??!" (she's all glossy and glittering)She got fumed and the conversation went on on and on for sometime and after totally pissing her off and as I thought the damage was enough for the day and I had some other work to do I said "cool down girl i'll get u a drink sumtym!" :D as she was looking for an end she grasped at that and the conversation finally ended!!

2.This time around she quoted the words about a plastic surgeon saying that one should be pure by heart and that matters a lot than physical appearance!!But the previous day she had posted her photo,the way she looked two years back and a recent photo.She had lost around 30 kgs!see i gave a like for that pic and commented "all the best."But when i saw this quote the devil within me woke up! :D I commented on that post as follows "if physical appearance is not important why do u go to gym?why have u lost weight??!!u should have been the same old fat girl like two years back!:D She got totally pissed off, to that extent that she blocked my Facebook profile :D . I was laughing like crazy when i saw she had blocked my profile :D I thoroughly enjoyed the whole irritating process.And as i write this blog there is this big grin on my face... lml
See anybody can be irritated..Because everyone has a breaking-point!!You can make anyone go crazy but the point is you should keep your cool,never get offended by what they comment about you in return and at the same time enjoy what you are doing..If you can do this you'll definitely drive them insane!!So thats the rule no.1

Sunday 8 April 2012

Just a Kiss ...

I happened to listen to this song called "Just a Kiss" by the band Lady Antebellum and i liked it in no time (though its not really my style of music!)It's a slow romantic song which is kind of a pop ballad.It was so pleasing to the ears and was really good.The male vocals by Charles Kelley is fantastic,the guy has got a great voice.And  apart from that the lyrics deserve a mention they are so poetic and filled with emotions describing the romance between a couple.The song starts with  piano chords which elevates the feel(I've always loved the sound of the piano-More than a guitar! just dunno why).As far as the video for the song is concerned the twist in the end making the entire romance just a dream and the girl meeting the guy in her dream is the best part.It's one of the best songs I've listened to.I would give it a 4 out of 5.And here's the song...