Monday 23 July 2012

Too much thinking...

For the past two days I've been thinking of brushing my teeth before going to bed.But somehow I didn't do it.And I tend to postpone it for the next day.But today out of self-induced compulsion I did it!! :P .But that made me think a lot!!It first seemed like a "trivial" thing but on a little closer perusal it wasn't so.Brushing before going to bed was a habit.And I've never done that before in my life !!!(well how many people brush before going to bed??! when it's boring and annoying for some to brush even in morning!!) and that was the reason why I was postponing!!(Eureka!!)

 I searched Google on habits and Wikipedia describes habit as,
  • "routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously.Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks..." 
And it also further elaborated on habits and I thought the following two points were relevant for my analysis,
  • "Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form because the behavioral patterns we repeat are imprinted in our neural pathways." 
  •  "Habit formation is modelled as an increase in automaticity with number of repetitions up to an asymptote."
 So that sums it up.The reason why people do or don't do things is because of their habits.And these habits can be made by repeating a task for a finite number of times,attaching them to goals and constant monitoring.The same applies to breaking habits, except for the fact that it needs comparatively more of will-power!!(now i am not talking about addictions or OCD). So going to gym,reading books,brushing before going to bed,going to bed at proper time and many more good habits can be cultivated by doing them repetitively whether one likes it or not and constant monitoring of the tasks.And bad habits like nail-biting,eavesdropping,too much "facebooking,etc :p can be undone by applying the same afore-mentioned procedures.Nothing is Impossible though those things may apparently look impossible...

Sunday 22 July 2012

Copy cats beware of the Bloodhound !!!

Today I happen to watch the much hyped about movie Billa - 2 and I am outta words!!(never has my mind had such a lull when it came to profanity!!I mean I am sick and tired of this whole concept of plagiarism :/ ) My personal opinion is the director and the script writer have really struggled hard in the making of the movie,real hard.They have busted their guts off to mix a list of various movies and video games like the 70's block buster movie "Scarface" starring Al Pacino for the plot,the special visual effects of the crime thriller movie "Sin City" for the song "unakkulle mirugam" which depicts the raise of the protagonist to power, a couple of video games like GTA, Hitman for the ruthless killings,bomb-blastings.. all those put together is Billa-2 !!

            This movie is a prequel to the movie Billa(which itself was a remake of another movie which happened to be a remake of another movie!!phew).This movie shows how the refugee David turns into the notorious gangster David Billa.Now taking a prequel to me is like tightrope walking.And Ajith falls on his face.The reason is simple in the former movie he appeared slim and young.But in this movie which is the prequel, shouldn't he be looking  younger or at least same as  the former movie???But He looks older and "fatter".He talks very sharp dialogues throughout the movie like,
 "enna yaarum purinjukala",
"aasai illa annachi,pasi!"..!
But what was his ambition or desire?? to walk throughout the movie wearing blazers and coolers or to bombard trains,kill people?? or was it to steal the sexy girl friend of his boss?? earn money? or become the most feared gangster in history??There is no clear narration about what his desire really is.Other than that there is no clarity in plot.The villain...!!I feel terribly sorry for this guy more than the heroine or anyone else in the movie.He looks dangerous,handsome,very fit and seems to be a trained person in martial arts.I've seen him in the Hindi John Abraham starrer "Force".He seems to be a guy who has some potential but if the director's gonna use him to his fullest then Billa would probably not be alive by the end of the movie.So as like any other movie he's killed by the hero who seems to be no match for his strength.The relationship between the heroine and hero is not clearly established!!I think the director must have got really pissed off with her poor acting skills so in the movie she's finally killed.(what a relief!!)But what surprised me was that there was no dream song or duet or kuthu song!!poor girl!! I liked the songs.There are no love songs(again a relief!!) only item numbers with girls dancing  in pubs and brothels and a montage song showing the raise of Billa.Comon,It's a "gangster movie" what else to expect!!The music director makes a cameo appearance in the end(??)which was a really dumb move.

Having said all this and that of the movie,I'd say I still like the movie or should I say I forced myself to like the movie.Because the sources from which the director stole..ooops..!!got "inspired" were all my favorites and I am a fan of action movies.This movie fits in perfectly in that genre.But on the whole the movie is a half hearted,incomplete effort.And fails to fulfill the expectations.

I am only reminded of the movie "Scarface"when i think about "Billa - 2" so I am uploading only the trailer of the former.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Voices in my head...

My hands shiver as I stagger on these empty streets,
Like a phantom I take a prowl,because he said to me,
"I am the one," he said to me and I am the King and this is meant to be.
The dogs howl from a distance,on the night lit by the full moon's light.
the clouds move in despair like a mother searching her lost son.
wind blows its coldest of air which carries  the odor of blood.
I still hear him telling me that I am the one.
The monsters in my head cry their misery.
A cold shiver runs through my body,electrocuting my nerves 
like a zombie I've lived,I think it's time to shed.
I hear footsteps approaching,
that killed the silence of the night,
and echoed in the poisoned air!
I turn around to look, they had surrounded me,
Those are the troubled souls wandering on this earth,
They bow before me like a slave to me.
I hear him shouting I am the one.
I laugh like a mad man,
looking at the hurt and ugly,
They say I am the one.
The monsters inside me lick their lips
seeing their new found prey.
I take out my sword and show it to them,
Commotion bursts,fear flows out through their dry eyes.
Then she came before me,
and bowed to me and stood there,
I looked deep in her eyes,
She had the most beautiful eyes,
I've ever seen....
she was ready for it,
like a pupil who understood her teacher,
she bowed down before me,
And I swung my sword...
they bowed before me,
never did they dare to look me in the eye,
they bowed and prayed to the New God they've made....
Now i knew ,I was the One...
He  was saying nothing now,
but I heard his loud cackle ...

Sunday 1 July 2012

Right to Reason

                                As a kid I was told that someone up above was watching me every day and every night.And after my death I'll meet him and based on my good deeds(punniyam) and sins(paavam).He will decide whether I was a good person or bad and based on that I'll be sent to either,

1.Heaven,where I'll live(??)(after death I was supposed to live!!) with God or
2.Hell,where I'll be tortured for an eternity!!
I used to think can he always be watching me??wherever I go,will he follow me??what did this person look like??will he follow even if I hid under my bed??will he be able to see me if I sit in a room in night,without lights??Well,how else was a child supposed to react?!I imagined a lot on how this entity would appear, but to the contrary of my imaginations the photos and statues looked similar to human!They were all rich,wearing kilos of gold and diamond ornaments and they all had families.(I wonder what happened to their descendants..)And each god was in charge of a particular power!!(like we have super specialization in doctors)For example "Lord Bramma" was in charge of creation,"Lord Vishnu" was in charge of protecting and "Lord Siva" was in charge of destruction."Goddess Saraswati" was in charge of knowledge."Goddess Lakshmi" was in charge of wealth.(Division of labor has been in practice even then!!).I used to think so I was supposed to pray to these gods based on their specializations??!

What is "God"?
The oxford dictionary defines god as a "superhuman being worshipped as possessing power over nature,human fortunes,etc;creator and ruler of universe"

Okay so,God created the Universe.He controls nature,etc.Lets keep that aside for a moment.I come from Madurai.In my place every summer we have "chithirai thiruvizha".The idol of Kalazhagar is carried and brought to every nook and corner of Madurai.Let me narrate the events that took place this year the day the idol was brought into Madurai.
1.There was total power shutdown all day and all night
2. It started raining and the streets were muddy and puddled.
3.There was heavy traffic jam throughout Madurai(obviously!)
4.People had a hard time paying a visit to their "GOD" 

Let me quote the definition one more time,"superhuman being worshipped as possessing power over nature, human fortunes,etc;creator and ruler of universe"(!!!)

The population of human beings in the world is said to be 7 billion as of 2011.And the number of religions in practice today are 1.Hinduism 2.Christianity 3.Islam 4.Buddhism 5.Sikhism 6.Jainism 7.Gnosticism 8.Zoroastrianism..........With each religion having it's own "GOD"!!It's own practices,believes about earth life and death.If there are so many religions then did GOD create man?? or MAN CREATED "GOD"??

By now it would have become clear that I AM AN ATHEIST.Being an atheist doesn't mean I'm a non-believer!I do believe..!!I believe in science,I believe in the power of thoughts,I believe there is NO GOD,I believe we exist as a group affecting and influencing each other directly or indirectly by our actions and reactions...So coming back,I believe god didn't create us ( HOMO SAPIENS= Human Beings).So where did we come from??

Chimp :I shouldn't have evolved
 According to Wikipedia,Humans are originated from Africa 2,00,000 years.The human beings diverged from its last ancestors Chimpanzee approximately 5 million years ago in Africa  evolving into the "Australopithecines" and eventually the genus Homo.Homo Erectus and Homo heidelbergensis  is considered to be the immediate ancestor of modern humans.Studies Have shown that Humans and Chimpanzees are 96% same.I don't deny that they are not a 100% match,and the 4% may contribute for a million differences but still aren't these facts totally contrary to the popular believes among theists,That god created human beings??This might even sound funny or offending to some people.But at least there is a proof for my argument..Are there any proofs for the  arguments that god created the universe and human beings?????

                    A popular legend among Christians is God created Adam and Eve and there was no night(if there was no night,then does that mean that the earth didn't revolve at all and was facing the sun 24 hours a day??but even then the other part of the earth must be night all through the 24 hours!!!)and Eden was the place where they lived before God banished them away from that place for disobeying his words and eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge.Can someone spot Eden on the world map??A belief among Hindus is Raama was born in Ayodhya.Any proofs???According to Muslims, Angels' duties include communicating revelations from God, glorifying God, recording every person's actions, and taking a person's soul at the time of death. They are also thought to intercede on man's behalf. The Qur'an describes angels as "messengers with wings".."One question,have you got any evidences confirming your believes???

                       Man has always had a fear for the unknown.That fear must have made him search for a shelter.And that must have made him or I should say "forced" him to believe in an entity superior to himself! In the early ages man feared nature.He started worshipping nature.Let me cite another more agreeable example.Have you not come across at least one guy who becomes so religious and believing in God during exam time but for the rest of the year he wouldn't have had a streak of "vibuthi"(holy ash) on his forehead!!
Now,I've heard people saying"I have prayed to god and my god has given me this and that...!!" I can explain that,but before that one question keeps bugging me..say for instance India and Australia are playing in the world cup final match.Now an Indian will pray to god that India must win the match.But an Australian will pray that Australia must win the Cup.Now what will the "GOD" do??!!!Whose prayer will he answer??? I read a book of  Dr.M.S.Udayamurthy in which he throws light on how prayers work,A thought which is being repeated every time gets into our sub conscious and it becomes a belief!And a strong belief can make thinks fall in place,directs our whole system towards it and achieve it.He tells prayers are a form of self hypnosis.

"Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills:
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass."
                                                           -  James Allen
( to be continued)       

(Contents of the next part - History of popular beliefs of the olden days,History of Giordano Bruno-"martyr for free thought and modern scientific ideas",superstitions that the world encountered.The formations of cults,"the brain- washing" into religion and cults and much more....)