Thursday 31 May 2012

The Devil's reign.....

When the rains are over,with the cold breeze still making u shiver             
and when the night awakens,unleashing its children,
You can see him coming!
Half devil,half man,lousy,dark and ugly with blood red eyes!!
An animal on its prowl seeking vengeance!!
have u heard of the most perilous criminal ever??
Once in the town of Roscoe lived a guy by the name Raven roe.
a devil which grew as a human fetus!
The ugliest of the criminals in town, worse than any nightmare.
the tears of a thousand angels personified.
He killed the men,women and children of roscoe!!
But no one could stop him from his sway!
He was the symbol of fear,and death in the hearts of the people!!
Raven trusted no one but himself and Death,
As both were unstoppable and invincible!!
he ate to live,and he lived to kill!!
Raven, Satan's last son!

who came to earth as a curse.
Many abandoned the town.
he reigned,he ruled, he killed, he destroyed!!
He believed that roscoe was his own.
One rainy night it finally happened,
Four men of his town broke in and murdered him in his sleep!!
An episode of a beast that finally ended indeed..
people celebrated his death, there were feasts and frolic everywhere.
but,to everyone's shock,the next day the four were found dead-Slaughtered!!
The people witnessed the most terrifying and fatal deaths in the history of roscoe!!
Ever since that, the departed sorrows returned,
From that day,now and then people died sudden and terrifying deaths.
Only later did they realize the monster had returned,
but this time he was immortal,as this time he was already dead!!
In the nights,they saw him in his balcony,
sometimes walking on the streets in his long black coat,
and always,when it stopped raining and when it was dark!


I was planning to write at least 7 posts for the month of May.But ended up writing only 5.It all started good for this month but somehow got deteriorated .My average number of posts for a month comes to 5 .That means I am able to add only one post  for a week??!!Thats too bad performance for a man of my intelligence.I think I have to push my limits...And this month was so happening! I could have written about a lot of stuffs.Damned I didn't.Okay,I got another day left..I think I can make up!reach my target somehow...Write about all small things may be,even silly things.To increase the count!But I am sure it's gonna be crap!!I am gonna look like some people out there,who try so hard to say something but they really don't have anything to say!!And they end up talking gibberish!Like this guy I met recently, we got introduced in a strange way.He told me he was a compere.I thought to myself " Okay,Go f**k yourselves"!I couldn't bare to even look at the guy he was such an eyesore and a complete moron.He kept talkinggggg(God I hate blabbermouths) and at one point I couldn't take it anymore. "I thot you're dead son."And I unleashed the prankster within me,who was already licking his lips at his new prey!And god what happened after that was one helluva story!!!probably I can take that into "How to Irritate someone part 4"!!Then I watched this movie called "The Seven year Itch" starring Marilyn Monroe.She looked like a doll.The movie was out and out funny. I enjoyed watching it.I think I am starting to get a knack at this gibberish  style now!!Way to go...

More bullshit the soft drink commercial "just bullshit nothing else."I think "these days it doesn't matter what you talk,it only matters that you talk or not"No reasons,No logics,pure stupidity.I think that's enough of gibberish now ... God Save our souls!!

Monday 21 May 2012

Ain't no Sunshine,When she's gone...

After a long long time I  played my guitar today.And It felt so great!I hadn't touched my guitar for a while.I almost forgot that I even have a guitar.But somehow took it out today,tuned it, first played a C major scale to see if I was okay,and I thanked my stars, as whatever I learned were still intact.Since I started afresh,I thought of learning a new song.So,I was searching on the internet for a song to play with my guitar.There were loads of "how to play" videos about so many songs with various versions.I happen to come across a song,"Ain't no Sunshine,When she's gone" by Bill Withers.It was a pretty a simple song to play.The person who taught the acoustics part of the song in the video also sang a couple of lines to show where to change the chords and I liked  the sound of it.So,as usual I downloaded the song and man I liked it in no time.Its a small,simple and beautiful song.Kinda Jazz.And It was so enchanting!!The song's about this girl who the singer misses.
                          There was no official music video for the song,except for a video of Bill Withers singing.I thought of writing a storyline for this song,like a pop video and here it is..Here is what I imagined...The story of the song takes place in the eighties in Mexico.The guy wakes up from his sleep,finds that his girlfriend is missing.It's very early in the morning,rays of sunlight penetrates through the curtain gaps and lits up the room.(the song starts here).He knows she's gone.He brushes away the flakes of hair that fall on his face,leans back and sits on the bed thinking about her.The video goes back to the day when he first met her.He's a thief and she is a doctor.(Both use knives,but for different purposes.)He goes to her after a  fight.Both meet,It's Love at first sight.She treats him,covers his wounds with bandages.Then its a montage..both are shown talking for hours, walking on the beach,Riding on a motorcycle,Both kissing each other.When "And I know, I know..."part of the song comes he is shown in the present breaking things,looking at her photos,washing his face,touching her dresses,looking at his knife,ogling at a neighbor chick,,Then again video goes to flashback.She taking his knife and using it meticulously kidding like she's gonna slit his throat,He grabs the knife and looks passionately into her blue eyes...both are so happy together.And one day both plan to go out on a date...but at the last moment she gets a phone call from the hospital.She tells him she's gotta go.He lets her go unwillingly.And every now and then this happens.The girl's occupation interferes with their love life.She spends most of the time at the hospital,treating patients.She's helpless.He seems upset.He misses her.Then he is shown standing on a roof-top looking at her from a distance,performing surgeries, .And then late at night,when she's sleeping.He breaks into her house.She wakes up.Both make love.And the flashback ends there.In the present, he's shown looking at a photo of both of them together!the video fades out....THE END!

And ya, I started practicing the song and I sound okay!!

The lyrics of the song,

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away.

Wonder this time where she's gone

Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away.

And I know, I know, I know, I know,

I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know,
Hey, I oughtta leave young thing alone
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Only darkness every day.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away.
Anytime she goes away.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Lessons that I've learnt - The Bench Press...

Bench press is an exercise that you do for your pectoral muscles(Chest).I've always hated the exercise.Two reasons;one,there is a great possibility of serious injury.If you add too much weight than you can handle,"You are Fucked up"The barbell can fall back and snap your neck or can hit you right in your face!!And two,I am not a big fan of chest workouts.You can also workout with weights that u can handle,weights those are easy for you too push.Weights that are light! But that ain't gonna make you stronger,that ain't gonna make your muscle grow.So you have to take that risk,and push..If you wanna grow!!Today out of nowhere this thought  hit me.Life is also like the bench press!!yeah!it's a"A Giant Fucking Bench Press!!"You've added weights(the problems you face in life.Just like as the weight gets heavier the muscle grow,the problems as the bigger they get, test our inner strength and gives us an opportunity for growth,when we tackle them) so you are pushing it, letting it come to you again then pushing it think you are in total control but as it goes you get tired and the load gets too heavy.. it forces you to give up.. that weight is too heavy for your arms to take.So what??You can't afford to give up.The weight is hanging right on top of you,this is not the right time for you to give up.Surrender can only make things worse!the weight's gonna fall on you.You can't say "I tried my best but i couldn't.."Struggling doesn't count,its Winning that counts!Now,there are choices, just two of them.You can give up saying you can't handle the weight,let it fall on you,get hurt,quit,curse life.Or you can also die trying for what you want.You can push that weight off you.You can grow!!Now would you wanna push it or give up???I think that's what life's all about.PUSHING IT..PUSHING IT HARDER...(this one's not for those "light weight handlers" who are happy with what they already have and who resist growth..they are unfit for the game)

Saturday 5 May 2012

Easy 6 ways to get a 6 pack ab....

The following material is a sole publication of mine and any copying ,reproducing or copying and altering some words and making it a new blog will be considered a severe offence .And will be punishable accordingly.The following conclusions have been drawn after my serious testing and experimenting.They've proven to be effective.So anyone who wants a 6 pack should strictly adhere to all the parameters mentioned to get optimum results..The different ways are being given in the order of priority from the least to the best effective,among the 6 different ways.

6.This technique calls for help from another person who is good at painting.You may get the help of your friend who is good at drawing or painting or both.Get some white,brown,or black poster color matching your skin tone and a brush and a scale.Now,Lie flat on a table and ask your friend to draw the 6 packs or 8 packs as you wish, on your tummy.And don't forget to take a snapshot of it.Because you can't be searching for a painter every time.

5.When you wear a shirt,your six packs ain't gonna be visible.All u need is that your tummy must be absolutely flat.For this technique you need a big old sac.Alter the sac so that it fits into your body(torso) so tight.And it holds on to your tummy tightly.On the outside you overall look like u have a flat ab.Now wear a shirt or t shirt as u wish.People will be amazed to see your flat 6 pack ab.But to ensure safety tie a couple of ropes around your tummy so it doesn't come popping out of the sac.

4.Enroll yourself in a big gym, a very big gym with all latest equipment,There are so many gyms these days which fit into this criteria,But be sure that the gym's annual membership fees is not less than Rs.20,000.Because only a gym that high-tech will have very intelligent and smart trainers,who will make your dream of having a six pack come true.Trust me these people are very much effective.Don't worry about the money.You will receive a training your money's worth.

3.You can get some leeches and leave them on your tummy and ask them to suck only the fat around your waist area.They may not listen to your words at first.Because they don't understand English.So in order to communicate with them you have to learn their language.But how to learn?? don't worry,We have published "The top Secret book of the language of the leeches",grab your copy today and start learning the leech language.The first hundred orders will be given a free pouch containing 20 leeches!!Hurry up ...You can call us...We don't have any phone number or cell number...All you gotta do is run to your terrace and call us at the top of your lungs on a full moon night..And we'll reach you as soon as we hear you.

2.If you have a sore throat don't worry,try this,do all the ab exercises u know on earth all day,all night,for 3 days 24 hours no break in between.No breakfast,no lunch,no dinner,no sleep,no cell phones,no sms,no facebook..keep doing it again n again you will sure notice change on the fourth day.(that change might be quiet shocking!!)

1.This is the most effective of all the other ways mentioned in the list.You may need help from an outsider.A person who hates you very much can be the best choice.Here's how it works,stand right before him,call him all names,show him faces,irritate him(for more clarifications you can go through my post"How to irritate someone")now show him your tummy .Ask him to punch 50 hard-core punches to your stomach and all your fat will run through your rectum.This session must be performed 3 times a day.For a week.It was my teacher who made me realize this technique after watching the "Rocky movie" and I am very grateful to her.
Courtesy:Rocky II movie.Where Sly is shown to get busted out with punches to his abdomen during  his practice sessions for the re-match with Apollo.

My sincere thanks to my teacher who inspires me and who has always been an enthusiastic trainee in my training program.She was a big motivation for me to write this post.I am thankful for her ideas and support throughout.And I wish her all the best in her pursuit for her 6 pack abs.