Saturday 25 February 2017

Sharakkah, the warrior and Roki (part 3) - The Last stand

High above the kingdom of Clebia, the rumbling sounds of thunder could be heard, accompanied by violent gusts of wind.  The seven half decayed bodies which had earlier been trying to get out of their burial mounds, now knelt at the foot of another proudly standing corpse with their foreheads touching the ground, "I, Lord Asura have returned to this world seeking vengeance and retribution for the death of me and my soldiers" he bellowed in a menacing voice, "Sharakkah ! You can run but cannot hide, by next sunset I will squash you and hurl your soul out of this world" he roared. The nearby mountains echoed his words and trembled.  The seven corpses roared in approval of Asura's statement and the squad began their march towards Grenecia.

The witch doctor Wayde muttered barely audible incantations in a melodramatic manner as he touched Roki's head and blew air onto his face. His body and his hair, including his eye brows were white as snow. He had a slim built body and a voice that was hoarse. "Will he be all right doctor?" Sharakkah asked in a concerned tone of voice. "No! His condition will only worsen" Wayde replied in a snide tone of voice. Sharakkah's exasperation catapulted hearing the doctor's indifferent reply. Sensing the despair of the situation, Taiki intervened, "Sir, can you please tell us what the problem is? We are very much concerned. Roki was absolutely normal and suddenly for no apparent reason in a matter of a few moments he became unconscious". Wayde, looked at Taiki and then glanced at Sharakkah. Seeing the frustration in the face of the 7 feet tall warrior he didn't want to push his luck any further. So he opened up "You see sir, our ancestors believed that Dragons were the personal carriers of the angels. They believed that a dragon could see Satan and was blessed with the strength to absorb evil force. Now looking at Roki's condition I am sure that a very bad element is out there that wants to hurt your son . I have a feeling that it is wrathful, abominable, seeking vengeance and definitely doesn't  belong to this world. I am guessing it is already dead and has been tormented in hell for quite some time now. Yet somehow it is not able to come to terms with itself and wants to seek revenge. Our big friend here has sensed it and has tried more than he can to protect his master and has paid the price. If it were not for Roki you're son here could have started to feel the negative impacts in the form of sickness by this time, making conditions only worse"

On hearing this Sharakkah was shocked. A chill ran down his spine and for the first time in his life fear seemed to have  presented itself  before his mind's eye. "Is there anything that you could do to help us?" Taiki asked in a nervous tone. For a moment Wayde looked into the skies and closed his eyes. "There is only one way my friend. Your son must do what he does best. Fight."

Baffled by what he had just heard Taiki asked "But you say they are already dead?"

"Yes" Wayde replied with a straight face. 

He took a  rope necklace from his pouch which had a shiny yellow oval shaped stone in it. "This stone is made from the tears of the angels. It will protect your son from the evil that has crawled out from the dark pits of hell. Fear not for fortune favours the bold" he said in a re-assuring tone of voice."Even though it's a full moon night for the next 24 hours the valkyries will be monitoring everything. Let us hope that the courageous win, and the corrupt perish. Will Roki recover? asked Taiki . "Once the damned are deported to where they belong he'll recoup do not worry, now it's your son's life that you should be worried about" On hearing this Xosha started crying. Satan watched Asura stride towards Grenecia with rage emanating from his half decayed body. All he wanted was Sharakkah's heart. The same heart that didn't kneel down before the fear and lust fabricated by the master of deception, Satan.  It was the only condition on which Satan paroled Asura and his personal bodyguards. He had promised them life, riches and abundance. Though the bounty placed upon Sharakkah's head was substantial the little squad would do it for free for they  loathed Sharakkah for what he had done to their dreams and aspiration. If it wasn't for him Asura would have been the ruler of the entire Angolian world. It was the deviation of what they got, from what they wanted that made their souls emit hatred like the suns that emitted heat.

Sharakkah headed in the direction, pointed out to him by the doctor. He wore the necklace that was given to him along with his armour. Carried his huge sword in one hand and a shield in the other. He encased his katak in his boots as a supplement to his sword and the battle axe in a belt that he wore along his torso.  On his way a huge thunder bolt struck the ground before him and that was when he saw Asura marching towards him with his seven personal bodyguards. He was able to recall him now.  Years ago he had confronted Asura on behalf of King Czar. It turned into the worst blood bath ever following which he killed Asura and everyone related to him. "You??" Sharakkah  snarled at Asura.  The later didn't say  a word but gave him a cold stare. "Wow! You look prettier than you used to. I am sure our women would fall for your beauty special treatment in hell huh?.. So what brings you and your boys to this world?" Sharakkah asked in a mocking manner with a grin on his face.

"Nothing, just running errands" Asura sneered. "That great heart which is beating within your rib-cage is wanted by the Devil himself " "Heart?! what use has it got for that scoundrel?" said Sharakkah and pounced on Asura like a Tiger hunting a Deer. Asura grabbed him by his throat and used his leg to thrust him aside. Sharakkah rolled and fell a few feet away. The body guards formed a barrier in front of Asura. The valkyries encircled the field. The tension was mounting and hung heavy in the air… Sharakkah looked at the skies and screamed at the top of his lungs, " Do you want my heart? You bastard! Take a look at what I'll do to you if we ever meet" Sharakkah's anger had escalated to the highest magnitude. He clenched his teeth, clasped his hands and yelled at Asura, calling him names, when all of hell broke loose ….

It was a warm early morning, the sun had just begun to rise. Sharakkah had just woken up. He went to the entrance of his house and sat there with sleep still sticking to his eyes. He saw Roki straighten his spine like structures which were lined along his backbone and hissing at a cow. The cow got petrified and mooed trying to move away in a frenzy. Sharakkah smiled and said "No, Roki that's not how you attract cows, you do that to girls of your kind only!"

The End

1 comment:

  1. You could give a try in describing the battle between Sharakkah and Asura, for the built up to the battle was good.. On the whole a good introduction in the first part, a curiosity provoking second part and a happy end last part.. A neat short story series.. Good job..
