Thursday 2 February 2017


"Many Lives, Many Masters" is a book written by Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist, based on his real life experience in treating a patient named Catherine. It appeared as though Catherine was able to recollect memories from her past life when she was put under hypnosis. In the book Dr. Weiss narrates his experiences when under hypnosis she acted as a medium between the ‘masters’ and himself. Through her he received many revelations about the purpose of life, meaning of death, helping each other, forgiveness, etc.

I can definitely say that this book single-handedly has touched my life and completely changed my attitude on a lot of issues, apart from having provided the answers to questions that I have had all my life. After having read the description of the book online, I wanted to buy it but before that I accidentally came across the audio book version of it on YouTube. Being unable to control my curiosity, late one night, I started to listen to it. I assume that the book is fairly small as it lasted approximately one and a half hours, which is not too long. One of the main highlights of this audio book was that it was read by Dr. Weiss himself. I am someone who has always been fascinated with the subjects of psychology and parapsychology ever since my teenage years. The book dwelt deep into the parapsychology aspect in detail and at the same time provided evidence for its claims by show casing a human who was able to recollect her past life memories. Dr. Weiss says that though initially his scientific background forced him to be at conflict with the revelations of Catherine his attitude changed once Catherine disclosed information about his dead infant son and father who had died from a heart attack. The doctor is sure that there is no way that she could have gained access to this information and she was able to receive and convey these secret messages then whatever she revealed must be from some superior force.

He also discussed about soul mates in the book. He says that the term has a wider meaning more than just the romantic perspective. According to the revelations that he received from Catherine, soul mates are souls that travel with us over different lives to study with us the lessons that our souls are destined. These soul mates can be parents, children, and teachers or just about everyone for that matter. He further goes on to say that we were never really born, neither do we really die. We have always existed, and will continue to exist by taking different births and constantly learning new lessons.

I feel that a message such as this helps one to shed all fears and get rid of our phobias and anxieties on different matters with regards to the human existence.In the book he also narrates that his revelation helped a terminally ill cancer patient to accept death without any fear. I find it a strange coincidence that Hinduism also speaks about re-incarnations. It says that if the purpose of human existence has not yet been fulfilled it thereby leads to multiple births.

On the whole I was happy that I chose to listen to this audio book and I have ordered for a hard copy.

Dr.Brian Weiss with Oprah Winfrey


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