Saturday 25 February 2017

Sharakkah, the warrior and Roki (part 3) - The Last stand

High above the kingdom of Clebia, the rumbling sounds of thunder could be heard, accompanied by violent gusts of wind.  The seven half decayed bodies which had earlier been trying to get out of their burial mounds, now knelt at the foot of another proudly standing corpse with their foreheads touching the ground, "I, Lord Asura have returned to this world seeking vengeance and retribution for the death of me and my soldiers" he bellowed in a menacing voice, "Sharakkah ! You can run but cannot hide, by next sunset I will squash you and hurl your soul out of this world" he roared. The nearby mountains echoed his words and trembled.  The seven corpses roared in approval of Asura's statement and the squad began their march towards Grenecia.

The witch doctor Wayde muttered barely audible incantations in a melodramatic manner as he touched Roki's head and blew air onto his face. His body and his hair, including his eye brows were white as snow. He had a slim built body and a voice that was hoarse. "Will he be all right doctor?" Sharakkah asked in a concerned tone of voice. "No! His condition will only worsen" Wayde replied in a snide tone of voice. Sharakkah's exasperation catapulted hearing the doctor's indifferent reply. Sensing the despair of the situation, Taiki intervened, "Sir, can you please tell us what the problem is? We are very much concerned. Roki was absolutely normal and suddenly for no apparent reason in a matter of a few moments he became unconscious". Wayde, looked at Taiki and then glanced at Sharakkah. Seeing the frustration in the face of the 7 feet tall warrior he didn't want to push his luck any further. So he opened up "You see sir, our ancestors believed that Dragons were the personal carriers of the angels. They believed that a dragon could see Satan and was blessed with the strength to absorb evil force. Now looking at Roki's condition I am sure that a very bad element is out there that wants to hurt your son . I have a feeling that it is wrathful, abominable, seeking vengeance and definitely doesn't  belong to this world. I am guessing it is already dead and has been tormented in hell for quite some time now. Yet somehow it is not able to come to terms with itself and wants to seek revenge. Our big friend here has sensed it and has tried more than he can to protect his master and has paid the price. If it were not for Roki you're son here could have started to feel the negative impacts in the form of sickness by this time, making conditions only worse"

On hearing this Sharakkah was shocked. A chill ran down his spine and for the first time in his life fear seemed to have  presented itself  before his mind's eye. "Is there anything that you could do to help us?" Taiki asked in a nervous tone. For a moment Wayde looked into the skies and closed his eyes. "There is only one way my friend. Your son must do what he does best. Fight."

Baffled by what he had just heard Taiki asked "But you say they are already dead?"

"Yes" Wayde replied with a straight face. 

He took a  rope necklace from his pouch which had a shiny yellow oval shaped stone in it. "This stone is made from the tears of the angels. It will protect your son from the evil that has crawled out from the dark pits of hell. Fear not for fortune favours the bold" he said in a re-assuring tone of voice."Even though it's a full moon night for the next 24 hours the valkyries will be monitoring everything. Let us hope that the courageous win, and the corrupt perish. Will Roki recover? asked Taiki . "Once the damned are deported to where they belong he'll recoup do not worry, now it's your son's life that you should be worried about" On hearing this Xosha started crying. Satan watched Asura stride towards Grenecia with rage emanating from his half decayed body. All he wanted was Sharakkah's heart. The same heart that didn't kneel down before the fear and lust fabricated by the master of deception, Satan.  It was the only condition on which Satan paroled Asura and his personal bodyguards. He had promised them life, riches and abundance. Though the bounty placed upon Sharakkah's head was substantial the little squad would do it for free for they  loathed Sharakkah for what he had done to their dreams and aspiration. If it wasn't for him Asura would have been the ruler of the entire Angolian world. It was the deviation of what they got, from what they wanted that made their souls emit hatred like the suns that emitted heat.

Sharakkah headed in the direction, pointed out to him by the doctor. He wore the necklace that was given to him along with his armour. Carried his huge sword in one hand and a shield in the other. He encased his katak in his boots as a supplement to his sword and the battle axe in a belt that he wore along his torso.  On his way a huge thunder bolt struck the ground before him and that was when he saw Asura marching towards him with his seven personal bodyguards. He was able to recall him now.  Years ago he had confronted Asura on behalf of King Czar. It turned into the worst blood bath ever following which he killed Asura and everyone related to him. "You??" Sharakkah  snarled at Asura.  The later didn't say  a word but gave him a cold stare. "Wow! You look prettier than you used to. I am sure our women would fall for your beauty special treatment in hell huh?.. So what brings you and your boys to this world?" Sharakkah asked in a mocking manner with a grin on his face.

"Nothing, just running errands" Asura sneered. "That great heart which is beating within your rib-cage is wanted by the Devil himself " "Heart?! what use has it got for that scoundrel?" said Sharakkah and pounced on Asura like a Tiger hunting a Deer. Asura grabbed him by his throat and used his leg to thrust him aside. Sharakkah rolled and fell a few feet away. The body guards formed a barrier in front of Asura. The valkyries encircled the field. The tension was mounting and hung heavy in the air… Sharakkah looked at the skies and screamed at the top of his lungs, " Do you want my heart? You bastard! Take a look at what I'll do to you if we ever meet" Sharakkah's anger had escalated to the highest magnitude. He clenched his teeth, clasped his hands and yelled at Asura, calling him names, when all of hell broke loose ….

It was a warm early morning, the sun had just begun to rise. Sharakkah had just woken up. He went to the entrance of his house and sat there with sleep still sticking to his eyes. He saw Roki straighten his spine like structures which were lined along his backbone and hissing at a cow. The cow got petrified and mooed trying to move away in a frenzy. Sharakkah smiled and said "No, Roki that's not how you attract cows, you do that to girls of your kind only!"

The End

Saturday 18 February 2017

Sharakkah, the warrior and Roki (part 2) - Aberration

I am seated on Roki, and we are gliding above the dense clouds, flying across green  pastures that have a  creek which resembles a giant serpent. The view is beautiful from up here. We are on top of the world, above all the commotions of human existence. The wind is blowing in my face. This feels like bliss! This is Elysium! Even the gods would feel jealous of me!

Suddenly I heard a sound! Something has just hit Roki and he is squealing in pain. I feel shocked. "What is it Roki?" I exclaim anxiously. He growls and  shrieks at me. I am trying to take a look at what hit him. The weather is not serene anymore. The sky has suddenly turned red, a fiery shade of red. I can feel that the temperature is getting hotter and hotter. Roki no longer has control over his wings. He is wobbling and unsteady. He is beginning to pass out. Up and down and side to side, we are wavering as Roki struggles to remain air borne. I begin to wonder if this is the end? I suddenly hear a loud hysterical laugh from the sky! Who is it I wonder. My little brother has lost control of his wings; he has stopped flapping them and is no longer even growling. He has passed out. And we are now plummeting. Down. Down. Down. Faster we fall. Faster than any arrow that is shot from a crossbow. I know that I am going to die. I feel a sudden and irrelevant feeling of calmness amidst this turmoil. I feel euphoric. It feels strange. I can hear people talking. I can feel the softness of my bed beneath me. Is this a dream I wonder.

It is raining and I can hear the rumbling sound of thunder. I am at the entrance of a cave. I hear screaming sounds coming from inside the cave. I am running towards the noise. Valkyries are burning! Their giant bodies have been set on fire, their wings chopped, with their hands and legs tied. One of them screams at me "Be ware! Sharakkah! Be Ready" Is this a dream I wonder yet again. If it is then why can’t I get up?

I can hear papa talking. So it must be a dream. I want to wake up but I am not able to. This is agonizing! Depressing! I am trying hard to wake up but it is so difficult. I feel trapped.

Phew! I woke up. I can feel that my breathing is heavy.  What should I be wary of? Was it just a dream? It felt so real. I am confused.


The Duo had just returned victoriously from yet another battle. It was that time of the year when the soldiers rested in order to recuperate from their wounds. This was to be followed by a big feast to be arranged by King Czar, in celebration of his army's victory. It used to feel like a time of vacation for Sharakkah but this year he hadn’t been very lucky, he had sustained some injuries here and there although nothing was really fatal enough to cause concern.

It was on a bright and sunny afternoon. Taiki was perusing through Sharakkah's weaponry diligently in order to find out the ones which were holding good and separate them from the ones that needed to be replaced and the ones that needed to be sent to the black smith for mending. Taiki noticed that his shield needed to be replaced though his armour  and helmet which had horns like structures were holding good.

The Katar, basically a small three-bladed push dagger, one of Taiki's favourites, was in perfect condition as it was fairly new. He observed the beauty of the weapon and   praised the black smith in his mind for his craftsmanship. The sword  needed to be sharpened, he observed. He muttered under his breathe, ‘I've told this boy a hundred times to wash the sword  thoroughly after a battle, the blood stains have become dry and are stuck , the smell is malodorous.’ He always felt that weapons were a soldier's best companions in times of war. He would trust a sword more than his fellow soldier. And so he believed that it was the duty of a good soldier to keep his weapons in perfect condition at all times.

After he had finished washing the sword he observed that it was time to make a new "Bagh Nakh",an iron claw like weapon that Sharakkah  sometimes preferred wearing on his left hand. The Bagh Nakh always came in handy while on the battle field. It could be used to make superficial cuts on the enemy. This weapon also served as a complement to any weapon. His crossbow and arrows were fine. Lastly, he found that the battle axe needed some work on its grip as it was softening. All the while Xosha was busy cooking the brunch for the family.

Sharakkah was basking in the afternoon sun, lying there covered in a loin cloth. The oil which he had applied on his body to serve as a lotion helped to emphasize his huge muscles, making them shine. His two trapezius muscles protruded like miniature hills on either sides of his neck. He had big, bulky shoulders which looked like smooth balls and which fit snugly under his trapezius muscles. His huge arms and wide chest could scare his enemies from a distance. His small waist made his upper body resemble the letter "V". He had brown curly hair, and small eyes, that sometimes disappeared when he laughed, a somewhat blunt nose , and a perfect smile . He stood at a height of almost 7 feet with a dusky complexion. There were many scars all over his body which he carried as souvenirs from the battlefields. These  scars testified his mettle.

While his family members were engrossed in their respective activities there was a loud thud! Roki fell on the ground and lay unconscious. A few moments ago he was there in his paddock relaxing and the next he lay on the ground like a log, lifeless. Panic shook their bodies like an earthquake. "Roki! Roki!" Sharakkah shouted as he shook his torso trying to wake him. Taiki tried to feed the monster some water but the creature woudn’t move. "I better send for the witch doctor - Wayde "said Xosha in a tensed voice. Sharakkah was appalled. He had never seen Roki like this in all the time that they had spent together growing up and fighting in battlefields. That was when he was reminded of his awful nightmare.

“It looks like a very bad omen" said Taiki in a sad voice after listening to Sharakkah's narration of  his dream. "Valkyries are haughty, righteous angels who fly above battle fields. They decide who to send to Elysium, which is the Heaven and who to send to Narak, Hell. They also ensure that the rules of war are followed, breaking the rules was a sin" Taiki added. They both remained silent for a while, lost for words. Sharakkah looked at Roki's face which showed no improvement while they awaited the arrival of Wayde.

Far away in the graves of Cleabia, there was a strange vibration from within the ground. The wind rustled forcefully. In a matter of few moments, the vibration intensified. A half decayed hand protruded from the ground! Clearly a buried corpse was trying to awake from his long slumber.   This was followed by 7 more hands which protruded out in a similar fashion from nearby burials mounts.  And from that moment forward things never remained the same for everyone.
- End of part 2/3

Bagh Nakh

Friday 10 February 2017

Sharakkah, the warrior and Roki (part1) - Inception / (Short story series)

 The twin suns were setting on the pale reddish horizon. The glowing balls of fire had just called it a day. The sky was scantily covered in yellowish-white clouds which looked like enormous tufts of cotton suspended high above the country of Grenecia. Some even resembled vague figures which the mind of  an Angola was to able to envisage. The climate was hot just like any other day and a dull wind was blowing across the land from the nearby Red Lake. Red Lake was actually a sea. No one knew how it came to be called a lake. Maybe the ancestors at the dawn of civilization didn't have a word in their limited vocabulary to describe an enormous water body!

Xosha  peered at the skies thoughtfully standing at the entrance of her house. "This is the thirty- fifth day since, Sharakkah has left for battle", said Taiki to Xosha.  Taiki was a sturdy, bald-headed man with a greyish - white beard and thick eyebrows. He was 28 years old and  was stronger than most of the Angolas of his age. Taiki lost his left leg in a battle many years ago which incapacitated him and forced to give up his profession as a swordsman in the mighty Grenecian army. Nevertheless being a man of his stature and experience he had found a job as the chief officer in charge of the school where young Grenecians were trained and subsequently deployed into the army. He had been married to Xosha for 14 years.

"Yes and that's what is making me lose my sense of tranquility" said Xosha in a feeble voice.  Xosha was a short, fair and thin lady who had almond shaped eyes and a pointed nose. "I know he is the best of the warriors this country has ever seen but to me he is not just a warrior, he is my blood and as a mother I just can't  help but worry about my son" she said. Taiki was able to understand his wife's plight . But he knew Sharakkah was invincible for he had never seen anyone who was so proficient in the art of warfare and at the same time so eager to die. There were many instances when Taiki sincerely felt that Sharakkah was more than an Angola he even thought that he was a God disguised as an Angola sometimes! Even as a child Sharakkah simply had no fear. Taiki always believed that a good soldier must love death and not fear it , for in the midst of battle, it is not the enemy but his own fear that incapacitates a soldier. He concluded that it will be death's own misfortune to meet this unflinching victor eye to eye.  Last but not least Sharakkah had his pet dragon, Roki with him. He muttered "besides there is no way that monster is going to let him die!". Xosha chuckled at Taiki's statement. A feeling of optimism lit up her grim face as she gazed at Roki's paddock. A rush of memories unfolded before her mind's eye, taking her back in time to Sharakkah's childhood days.

It was around twilight on a summer day. Xosha was chopping wood to be used as fuel for cooking for the next week when young Sharakkah exclaimed, "Mama! Look what I've found!" Xosha turned towards the sound of Sharakkah's voice and saw that he had brought home a strange creature which was the size of a goat. It had a head that looked like that of a snake's with very big eyes and a tongue that protruded out of it's mouth which had razor sharp teeth.  It's body had scales which resembled those of a fish and two wings which it fluttered  in fright when little Sharakkah  pulled at it with the help of a rope  in order to drag it towards his house. Though at first Xosha didn't approve, the boy's incessant demand finally forced her to let him keep the creature. Sharakkah named him Roki, which in Grenecian means "little brother". He loved Roki so much that he spent all his days and nights with the creature. Xosha started to like the creature too as it returned  Sharakkah's love ten fold. Both of them grew up like real brothers. But Taiki never liked Roki. For some reason he thought the creature's name sounded similar to his' and that hurt his pride. In addition to that that it's constant peeing and pooping made the entire household stink, in spite of the couple's constant cleaning. The paddock was only built later after the creature grew enormously
big! The creature was shabby and to a man like him who preferred cleanliness and orderliness the creature just wasn't congenial.

Her lips formed a smile as she thought about those days. Her eyes suddenly widened and her lips uttered the word "Sharakkah" in joy when she heard a high pitched cackling noise in the distance. It was Roki! Sharakkah was finally returning home....

- End of part 1/3

Thursday 2 February 2017


"Many Lives, Many Masters" is a book written by Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist, based on his real life experience in treating a patient named Catherine. It appeared as though Catherine was able to recollect memories from her past life when she was put under hypnosis. In the book Dr. Weiss narrates his experiences when under hypnosis she acted as a medium between the ‘masters’ and himself. Through her he received many revelations about the purpose of life, meaning of death, helping each other, forgiveness, etc.

I can definitely say that this book single-handedly has touched my life and completely changed my attitude on a lot of issues, apart from having provided the answers to questions that I have had all my life. After having read the description of the book online, I wanted to buy it but before that I accidentally came across the audio book version of it on YouTube. Being unable to control my curiosity, late one night, I started to listen to it. I assume that the book is fairly small as it lasted approximately one and a half hours, which is not too long. One of the main highlights of this audio book was that it was read by Dr. Weiss himself. I am someone who has always been fascinated with the subjects of psychology and parapsychology ever since my teenage years. The book dwelt deep into the parapsychology aspect in detail and at the same time provided evidence for its claims by show casing a human who was able to recollect her past life memories. Dr. Weiss says that though initially his scientific background forced him to be at conflict with the revelations of Catherine his attitude changed once Catherine disclosed information about his dead infant son and father who had died from a heart attack. The doctor is sure that there is no way that she could have gained access to this information and she was able to receive and convey these secret messages then whatever she revealed must be from some superior force.

He also discussed about soul mates in the book. He says that the term has a wider meaning more than just the romantic perspective. According to the revelations that he received from Catherine, soul mates are souls that travel with us over different lives to study with us the lessons that our souls are destined. These soul mates can be parents, children, and teachers or just about everyone for that matter. He further goes on to say that we were never really born, neither do we really die. We have always existed, and will continue to exist by taking different births and constantly learning new lessons.

I feel that a message such as this helps one to shed all fears and get rid of our phobias and anxieties on different matters with regards to the human existence.In the book he also narrates that his revelation helped a terminally ill cancer patient to accept death without any fear. I find it a strange coincidence that Hinduism also speaks about re-incarnations. It says that if the purpose of human existence has not yet been fulfilled it thereby leads to multiple births.

On the whole I was happy that I chose to listen to this audio book and I have ordered for a hard copy.

Dr.Brian Weiss with Oprah Winfrey