Thursday 21 February 2013

My salvation ..

I wake up in an  unknown land,
And see a blurry image of a child running into a tunnel.
I hear the sound of the approaching train echoing from a distance,
A cold shock runs through my spine,
With pain in my body,that makes it so hard to move
I want to find the child which ran away..
I gather all my strength to make that first step,
The dried leaves on which I stood,
were scattered all around the place.
My blood dripped from my arms and face onto the leaves ,
and it made the leaves change their color..
I stepped inside the cave,
and ventured in,step by step
The afternoon sun couldn't penetrate the walls of the tunnel,
Darkness wasn't new to me,
"hey,kid..where are you??"I shouted
the words reverberated through the old tunnel,
There was no response,the train was approaching me with demon speed,
I burnt my torch and waved it around,
There I saw the child,in a corner
He was cold and dull,
devoid of any emotion,
I approached him,to take a closer look at him
to my shock...It was me in my childhood!
my heartbeat started raising where am I?was this a dream??was this real?
I called him,he didn't hear me or didn't want to
He was only looking at the train track,
with an intense look in his eyes,
I crossed the track but something got hold of my leg,
The Child stood there still watching it
by now with his hands resting on his knees..
I tried to pull my legs off the track,But couldn't
I looked at the kid, He pointed at the approaching train,
which was now only a few meters away,
with a faint smile in his dull face... 
The lights of the engine blinded my eyes  as it approached me with great speed....
At that moment a great sense of liberation was born within myself ...

Friday 8 February 2013

My Super power..

I am a fan of fantasies.I have a number of favorite super heroes.I remember watching cartoons all day long during summer vacations when I was not allowed to play in the "hot sun" to name a few right from my childhood days to the present He-man,spiderman,birdman,superman,,centurions,
kurt wagner,wolverine,hulk,magneto,prof-x,etc.I never wanted to test the truth or viability of these characters,I just enjoyed watching them exercise their super powers.My recent favorites were the X-men first class characters Azazel and the Beast.
                             As a Kid,I used to play games imitating my favorite super heroes(like any other kid).Creating my own stories like what if He-man faces a super villain who can spit fire???Or we use to imitate film heroes,wrestlers and fight with other kids during intervals in school! I remember the beatings I got for hitting my classmate, imitating "Triple - H" the wrestler, performing one of  his move called the "Pedigree".My bad luck she entered the classroom right on time when I was performing it on my victim!!The angry teacher also bet me the same way!! (hehehee) well not exactly!! She sucked at it :D. Then I remember imitating Rajni kanth,talking his dialogues.It was fun.

                          So I was thinking if I were given a choice of being a super-hero who would I choose??I like to fly so bird man seems like a good option..But bird man isn't that strong and without sun he loses his powers.but even then we have flights to fly what is  the use of growing two giant wings on ur back??!

 Besides I don't have such notorious villains or enemies.So based on the environment I live I'll choose a super power...I think I wanna be "idiot resistant" !!.Oh,yeah...that would be just fine.See this is a world were a lot of idiots live who can just suck all of your energy through their stupid acts.Let me list some of the Idiots who I come across,
  • The mini bus and share-auto drivers.These ______ just stop anywhere for their convenience.And the people, they stop the bus right in the middle of nowhere.All these drivers want is money,traffic jam or seat capacity just don't matter to them.Idiots
  •   There are some people,they never listen to the other person while they are having a conversation they just keep repeating what they've already said.You know just explaining themselves or talking about themselves over and over.....And they wont understand that you don't give the least damn fucki* thing about them or their stories.
  • All the wannabe fitness freaks.Imagine you are holding some 40 lbs barbell on your shoulders doing lunges, stupid people keep walking so close to you that they are gonna hit the plates and cause serious injuries to both me and them.And man for a person like me who has some knowledge about exercises and proper forms this thing is beyond my tolerance level.They grab a dumbbell a very light weight and do exercise with really bad form and the sound which they give when they breathe out..that's really funny sometimes  just like they are having sex!!!And I use to say to myself "yeah faster bitch,yeah comon,,,hhmmm."along with their moans!! :D two days back I saw this guy doing dumbbell rows.He was making strange noises man I just couldn't control laughing.
  •  Finally,some of the window seat passengers.See when you are over-taking a bus especially when you are on a two-wheeler without no helmet you are at serious risk of someone spitting on you or pouring the water with which they are washing their hands.This happens only in this great nation.SO watch out!!
 Those are just a few of the lot of Idiots around.They suck the energy and positive mood right outta your brain like some goddamned leech.So I wanna be "Idiot proof" or "Idiot resistant" I wanna have a super power which will absorb all these idiots' actions and give me high tolerance to all these bull shit