Saturday 16 January 2016


(This was lying in the drafts for like 4 months I guess..)

My life has been going through radical changes in the past 12 months. Though all the changes were good and have groomed me to be a better person, there was a flip side to them. I was losing my interest in fitness. I was becoming lazy and for almost 6 months or so never stepped into the gym...After such a long time, when I had put on a considerable amount of fat and became totally out of shape it struck me that I should not prolong my exile, so I joined a gym. As soon as registering, I stepped on the weighing scale and boy did I get a mini-heart attack when I saw those numbers!! I ve never weighed that much in my entire life.. And when I measured my waist I felt like screaming! Luckily the gym didn't have a caliper to measure my body fat!! So with all these shocking numbers creating havoc in my brain I stepped on the treadmill I thought I was gonna be exhausted in no time but I kept going on and on and after a decent 20 mins jogging I realized I wasn't fatigued at all...With that little encouragement I went to the dumbbell rack and after some warm up did some dumbbell bench press, I was able to lift almost the same weights which I used to, 6 months back... I thanked all my stars for that ... I need not start everything all over again all those years of hard work definitely have paid off but the numbers were still  scaring the crap out of me... So after the workout I got back home prepared a workout schedule and a diet plan and made a resolution that i'd stick to it.

                             I worked out the next day and the next day but the third day I lost all motivation to go to gym as my mind started playing games with me, thoughts like "U can never get back to ur old shape", "whatever U did was history u're not the same" ,it kept distracting me.To make things worse people who were skinny and lanky 6 months back have now gained some mass...(that's one painful thing to see, when for years you were the "rock star" in the gym!! They have overtook me in this 6 months exile!! ) The next day I forced myself to go.. For 3-4 months this was the case, I was very irregular . I worked out but I lost that drive, I just went on coz I had to... After 3 months was over I stepped on the weighing scale and Gosh!! I had lost 5kgs though the progress was very slow it wasn't bad keeping in mind my motivational level. After seeing the results my motivation slightly increased. I changed my workout plan and went on with a little more intensity . After one whole month of training I stepped on the weighing scale again.I measured the same weight. Pop!! went the bubble.. My mind was telling me "didn't I tell u" ?!!

I never stepped into the gym for another week... I tried everything I knew but I wasn't losing a kilo...That was when I thought of following an expert's advice so I started following Kris Gethin s 12 week free trainer on in 2 weeks time my weight started dropping again. There are no words to describe how I felt to see the weighing scale again. In another 7 weeks time I lost like 7 more kgs and finally got the physique I wanted. When I compared my before and after pictures it was shocking to myself at first. It was an impressive transformation! All hard work finally paid off !It was a quite a bumpy ride. I thought I ll post here so I can remind myself about what I have accomplished.

Saturday 2 January 2016


This is shocking I just opened my blog to see the number of posts I have made on this page and it shows that for one whole year I ve written only one post and that post is  a list of my favorite songs. What has happened to me? Why didn't I record anything on this page ? Am I getting matured am I trying to keep things to myself instead of letting the whole of the web know what I am doing? or am I getting lazy ? or like everyone else am I getting too busy with my life that I hardly have any time at all to post anything on this page? One thing I know for sure is that I haven't written anything at all and one more thing I am sure of is that I don't wanna stop writing, but how am I gonna let my thoughts flow into this keyboard and ultimately on to the web ? How am I gonna make a mark in the history of blogger How am I gonna make people remember my name even after I am gone? Oh! no what have I done? I haven't written anything ...Oops! no I have a couple of drafts lying incomplete but still only a couple ?? where s the genius side of me where s my wisdom? How am I gonna lead the future generation. This world has already missed a genius' presence for one whole year thats 365 days and 365 nights ... It can't be !

What if  my "regular followers" think that I m dead.. No folks am not dead nor I did I have a coma..Relax I m back! Mr.Ess s back this year with a bang! excuse me but I really don't know whats that supposed to mean.. I just said that coz it sounded nice. Hmmm.. This is surprising, astonishing, shocking that I didn't write for a year . That's it I am gonna keep posting more often on this page like how I used to. This year this blog is gonna get its life back. I m gonna bring it back to life. Oh! I guess both the sentences mean the same.No wait it doesn't mean the same first I said the blog is gonna get back it's life and then I said I was gonna do that how can that two be the same.. Ohh goddd! what has happened to me is it coz I didn't write for a long time I m losing my super writing powers ?!! No I haven't lost any of my super powers I m back with a vengeance ...but I don't know what vengeance it is.. I just wrote that line coz its eminem's song line..! Yes eminem the King of hip hop my super mightful god father .. I love you Eminem keep killing it .. Phew! finally somehow completed 2 paragraphs .. Finally started writing again...More stuffs coming soon.. I am back worldwideweb!