Sunday 30 September 2012

Slaves' despise..

I see them walking down the streets,
they throw a glance at me as they pass by.
I hear them behind me in a queue ,
their voices always distract and words falsify!
They are like shadows that follow me on a sunny day,
Though I try to ignore and walk away,
Those ideas  which they've shared keep haunting me.
All they wanted was to be a slave,
But they think they can show me the way.
Like Leeches they suck the life out of me,
they make me lose my my focus,
and test my sanity.
They keep singing songs of sorrow,
and they are sure of things that'll happen tomorrow.
I walk amongst doubts and fears,
Not afraid to stand my ground.
To have the gift of vision amongst blind men,
Is one curse for the seeing eyes.
To be frowned upon,
to be despised is nothing new when you stand out..